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I Nyhetsflödet hittar du uppdateringar på sidor, schema och inlägg från lärare (när de även behöver nå tidigare registrerade studenter).
Alexander, do not worry. I will get a new list from Alicia soon. Eventually (end of December) I will register them in Rapp.
What do you mean by "business associations"? Could you give some examples regarding both the one for companies and the one for people?
Veronica, it is part of the assignment to find the organizations. It could be for example professional associations or trade-unions or trade associations.
Okay so I should find one for people and one for companies and then I'm supposed to answer the questions with the associations in mind instead of the company?
I tried to create the document, however because of my wrong command it is created as empty. Now I try to edit or delete the file it says I don't have permission and it automatically created several files. What should I do? Is there a way to get rid of those temporary files?
I second the request for help cleaning up files. Somehow I created 5 junk files by running a command that would usually create a single file and put some text in it. A sixth junk file was created when I used vi. There are also junk files from other people. This makes it really difficult to find the actual links for commenting.
The mentors have full access to the group directories, so you could ask your mentor to remove your junk files. And please try to not create junk files at all.
We are not creating the junk files intentionally. For example, in my case I created an empty file and then I wanted to edit, when I tried to open it with Vim it automatically creates swp and other temporary files.
If we are not allowed to delete or edit the files that we created, does it mean we are not allowed to do mistakes?
I am trying to hand in my file in /info/prosamm16/seminars-1617/period-2/group-2 but do not have the permissions. Could this be fixed please?
Caglar, you are allowed to make mistakes when you upload your files, but the mistakes will clutter up the directory, so try to avoid making lots of uploading mistakes.
Christian, you uploaded your file successfully five minutes before you wrote that you don't have permissions. What do you mean?
When I run
scp <local-file> chrabd@u-shell.csc.kth.se:/info/prosamm16/seminars-1617/period-2/group-2/<remote-file>
I simply get "Permission denied" as response. I tried Cyberduck and get the same result. I am able to ssh into the server but cannot write to the folder
Hi Viggo,
Can you please tell us how can we edit the file we created? Because the problem with junk files are the result of attempt to fix the mistake. We don't know how we can edit our files.
@Christian. Well obviously something did work since your file is in the directory. But you are only allowed to create new files and to read files, not to remove och change existing files. So if you tried the scp command twice you should get a failure the second time since the file already existed.
Caglar, you have "rli" permission to the directory, which means that you can read files, list files and create new files. You are not able to remove or edit existing files. If we added the "w" permission you would be able to edit and remove other students' uploaded files.
Huh. Odd, thank you for letting me know! :)
@Viggo, Thanks for the clarification. In this situation it would be nice to have a script to run to clear this kind of mess. So, we would not bother mentors.
Hello, I believe there is an error in the date for the deadline or the date that assignment will be given for the reflection seminars 2.
The specification of the assignment will be published November 29 on the course web.
Your written reflection must be handed in before 13.00 on November 8.
sincerely Alex.
Corrected to December 8, thanks!
Will the slides from 1st of November regarding Information about elective specializations and courses.be uploaded?
Slides from Nov 1st are now uploaded. Thanks for the reminder.
In the slides about choosing tracks there is a sub-track called Software Engineering for the track Software Technology. However this sub-track is not present on KTH Social for people starting the master program in HT16[link here]. Can we still choose this sub-track or is that just for next year's students?
The slides describe the "long term" plan, so there may indeed be a mismatch with the formal study plan. In general, we allow students to use tracks from a later study plan. The potential problem may be that some of the courses are new and may therefore only exist in a planning stage. Therefore, I suggest that you contact the teachers/faculty behind the track to check this.
Now the information about the prosamm seminar in period 1 is available, and the group schedule has been corrected.
Where do I find which group I belong to?
In Rapp -> h. Results -> DD2300:Program Integrating Course in Computer Science -> __Group number, fall.
I still do not have a group number in rapp, what should I do?
Now all prosamm16 students have got group numbers!
Do I need to find a CSC computer to upload my google drive-link to /info/prosamm15/seminars-1617/period-1/group-X, or can I do it in another way?
You can connect with ssh <user>@share-01.csc.kth.se
While I was creating the file it created many swap files as well, I tried to delete them but couldn't manage since I don't have permission to delete. Is it possible for someone to delete all unnecessary files there?
I have the same problem as Caglar had above and would be grateful if someone with the right permission could delete them. The file named *-final is the correct file.
If I emailed the student counselor 19/11 and still have not gotten registered to a track in rapp, is that a reason to worry or should I just be patient?