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Detailed schedule

Detailed schedule for prosamm15 (students starting the Computer science master's program in 2015)

This course will run for two full years. It consists of one reflection seminar each period and two study visits to different IT companies.

Academic year 2015/2016

Look in the submenu to the left.

Academic year 2016/2017

Period 1, 2016

Lecture September 13, 8.15-10.00 in room K1
Introduction to the second year of the master's program, including the degree project. [Slides]

Reflection seminar 5 September 20, 8.10-10.00 or September 22, 15.10-17.00 (different times and rooms for different groups)
Topic: The computer science master's program revisited.

The specification of the assignment will be published September 6 on the course web.
Your written reflection must be handed in before 13.00 on September 15.

D-dagen October 6, Career fair at Nymble

Career fair during the whole day until 16.00. An opportunity to talk to IT company representatives.

Period 2, 2016

Information November 10, 15.15-17.00 in room D2

Information about the degree project (exjobb). [Slides]

Study visit in November or December

October 17 at 10.00 (new date!) the lists where you sign up to an IT company to visit will be posted on the course web.
October 24 at 17.00 is the last day for signing up to the study visit.
Between November 3 and December 1 the study visit will take place.

Reflection seminar 6 December 13, 8.10-10.00 or December 15, 15.10-17.00 (different times and rooms for different groups)
Topic: The study visit and employability, revisited.

The specification of the assignment will be published November 29 on the course web.
Your written reflection must be handed in before 13.00 on December 8.

Period 3, 2017

Reflection seminar 3  February 14, 8.10-10.00 or February 16, 15.10-17.00 (different times and rooms for different groups)
Topic: Getting specialized knowledge in certain areas of the field: the track and the degree project.
The specification of the assignment will be published January 31 on the course web.
Your written reflection must be handed in before 13.00 on February 9.

Period 4, 2017

Program meeting (programkollegium) of the Master of science in engineering program March 23, 15.15-17.00, room D1.
(only for students of civilingenjörsprogrammet i Datateknik)
Varje teknolog och lärare är välkommen att diskutera programmets nutid och framtid.

Reflection seminar 4 May 16, 8.10-10.00 or May 18, 15.10-17.00 (different times and rooms for different groups)
Topic: Scientific, social and ethical aspects of computer science.
The specification of the assignment will be published May 2 on the course web.
Your written reflection must be handed in before 13.00 on May 11.

Viggo Kann skapade sidan 29 augusti 2015

kommenterade 6 september 2015

Is the first written reflection due on September 17, 24.00 or 24.00 before September 17?

Lärare kommenterade 6 september 2015

Before the end of September 17.

kommenterade 1 oktober 2015

Is there anything we need to do today (D-dagen)? Is there a list where we need to sign in? Do we need to get any information for a future assignment or is it simply an optional offer to us to get in touch with local companies where we can participate if we want?

Thank you

Lärare kommenterade 2 oktober 2015

Arne; visiting the D-day event is (was) completely optional and officially not part of this course.

kommenterade 9 november 2016


About the lecture tomorrow (November 10, 15.15-17.00 in room D2), is it mandatory? It conflicts a lecture from advanced machine learning course (14-16) that I need to attend. 

Lärare kommenterade 9 november 2016

No lectures are mandatory in the course. But it will be a very informative lecture about the degree project.

kommenterade 10 november 2016


Could you upload the slides for the lecture about the degree project?

Thank you very much.

Lärare kommenterade 11 november 2016

Sicong, now the degree project slides are available!

kommenterade 20 november 2016

Hi Viggo,

I can't really find the slides. Could you please post a link?


Lärare kommenterade 20 november 2016


The link to the degree project slides can be found on this very page, second line under "Period 2". Look for the word Slides.

kommenterade 12 december 2016

Hi, could you clarify whether it is the 4th of January that you at the latest should submit your degree proposal, or whether that it is two weeks in advance of the 4th of January that this is due? (As seen in the given slides about the degree project)

Thank you