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5. The master's program revisited

The computer science master's program revisited, reflection seminar in September 2016

Preparations for the reflection

  • Read the general instructions for the seminars in the menu to the left.
  • If you are not used to reflective writing, look at this video.
  • Find which group you belong to by looking up your results of the course in the Rapp system (UPP1 Group number, fall, between 1 and 22). Since the number of groups is larger than last year, some students from the second will have a new group number, so everyone needs to check.
  • The second cycle in the Bologna system (see Further reading below)  is called avancerad nivå (advanced level) in Swedish. Master's programs belong to the second cycle.
    Read the qualitative targets (examensmålen) for the degree of master according to the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen).
  • Read the objectives of the master's program.
  • Read about the implementation of the education, the courses and the appendix describing the new specialisations/tracks (spår) of the master's program in the program syllabus.

The written reflection

Write a reflection document based on the reading above and inspired by the following questions. The document should be 500-600 words, not counting quotations of learning outcomes.

Reflect on the fact that the majority of courses within the master's program are second cycle courses. This could mean that the courses cover more advanced topics, but perhaps also that the course contents may be left open for the students to define and explore. Also consider the pedagogy and the assessment.

  • Only first year students (prosamm16):
    • What do you expect to differ from your earlier studies?
    • What would you like to be different?
    • What should remain the same?
    • What is your experience from the first weeks of the semester?
  • Only second year students (prosamm15):
    • In your experience, what is different? Examples?
    • Are you exposed to more "open questions"? Is this good?
    • Which courses have you chosen for your track? Why did you choose these courses?
      Any reflections on the new track system that the new students will meet? 
  • Both first and second year students:
    • Using Google-Docs as the tool for reflections and comments in this and other courses potentially raises questions regarding both how practical it actually is but also regarding integrity.  Should we be worried?  Can you suggest any alternatives that we should try out?

Hand in the reflection, read the group members' reflections and comment on them

Your written reflection must be handed in before 13.00 on September 15. There is a video showing how to upload the document to Google Drive. You should begin the document by stating your name followed by prosamm16 or prosamm15 (depending on whether you study the first or second year of the master's program). The link to the document should be put (not earlier than September 12) in a file with your name in the AFS directory
where X is your group's number. 

You have to comment on at least six other group members' reflection documents using the Google Document comment functionality (Comment in the Insert menu) before September 19, at 13.00. You may choose which six group members you like, as long as there are at least two from year 1 (prosamm16) and two from year 2 (prosamm15) among them. You also have to comment on a comment in your own document (if there is any). The comments should have some sort of content, not just "I agree".

Participate actively in the seminar

Find your group number in the table below and lookup when and where your seminar is. The seminar is about 50 minutes, and it is important to be on time. Notice the odd starting times (10 minutes past)! Instructions on how to find the rooms can be found in the menu to the left.

Date and time 4423 1537 4523 4618 523 F0 Fantum
September 20, 8.10-9.00 7 13 9 11 1 19
September 20, 9.10-10.00 8 14 10 12 3 20
September 22, 15.10-16.00 4 5 21 15 17
September 22, 16.10-17.00 2 6 22 16 18

D-dagen October 6

D-dagen is a career fair organized by the computer science in engineering students at Nymble. We recommend every student to visit the career fair.

Study visits in November

Before next seminar in December you should make a study visit to an IT company (if you took the course last year you should choose a different company this year, and preferably a different type of company). 

October 12 at 10.00 the lists where you sign up for the visit will be posted on the course web.
October 21 at 17.00 is the last day for signing up for the study visit.
Between November 3 and December 1 the study visit will take place.

Further reading

The European Bologna agreement of higher education was made in 1999. The so called Bologna process will proceed until 2020. Read about it in European University Association's description of the Bologna process. It might also be interesting to read the section second cycle qualification (Master) on page 2 in the text known as  the Dublin descriptors, since the agreeement was signed in Dublin.

There is also a European quality assurance agreement, called ESG - Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education area.