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Om du är registrerad på en aktuell kursomgång, se kursrummet i Canvas. Du hittar rätt kursrum under "Kurser" i personliga menyn.
Är du inte registrerad, se Kurs-PM för DD2300 eller kontakta din studentexpedition, studievägledare, eller utbilningskansli.
I Nyhetsflödet hittar du uppdateringar på sidor, schema och inlägg från lärare (när de även behöver nå tidigare registrerade studenter).
Before the end of September 17.
Is there anything we need to do today (D-dagen)? Is there a list where we need to sign in? Do we need to get any information for a future assignment or is it simply an optional offer to us to get in touch with local companies where we can participate if we want?
Thank you
Arne; visiting the D-day event is (was) completely optional and officially not part of this course.
About the lecture tomorrow (November 10, 15.15-17.00 in room D2), is it mandatory? It conflicts a lecture from advanced machine learning course (14-16) that I need to attend.
No lectures are mandatory in the course. But it will be a very informative lecture about the degree project.
Could you upload the slides for the lecture about the degree project?
Thank you very much.
Sicong, now the degree project slides are available!
Hi Viggo,
I can't really find the slides. Could you please post a link?
The link to the degree project slides can be found on this very page, second line under "Period 2". Look for the word Slides.
Hi, could you clarify whether it is the 4th of January that you at the latest should submit your degree proposal, or whether that it is two weeks in advance of the 4th of January that this is due? (As seen in the given slides about the degree project)
Thank you
The section about studies abroad states "if you are studying abroad for a period, you should carry out the reflection seminars remotely", but in the next paragraph it says "...you won't need to participate in the reflection seminar". Do I, or do I not have to participate while abroad?
Jonas, you may carry out the reflection seminar tasks remotely as specified. You should not participate in the seminar while abroad.
I have a suggestion, that the website peergrade.io should be used for the reflections and comments in prosamm. It is much more convenient.
Hassan, I agree. But peergrade.io is just for test use this semester and can't be used in other courses. If the result of the test will be positive then KTH could buy a licence to use peergrade.io, and then all course may use it. But for prosamm peergrade.io isn't perfect, since the comments should be visible for all students in the same group, and this is currently not possible in peergrade.
Lärare Viggo Kann redigerade 10 maj 2016
Föreläsning från Google
How to pass the Google code interview How does the technical interview process work at Google (and other similar companies)? What are they looking for in candidates? What common mistakes do people make at interviews? What makes an interview question good or bad? What is a good interview? In this talk, Olof and Johan from Google explains the technical interview process and what you can do to prepare for it.¶
Speakers: Johan Wikström, Software engineer, and Olof Lindholm, Teach lead.¶
The talk will start at 15:15 and last about 60 minutes. Then there will be a question answering session. ¶
This is a non-compulsory activity of the prosamm course.¶
In Rapp, I've received an "X" for the "Present at study visit 15/16" moment. What does this mean?
Isak, X in Rapp means that you attended, which is good since the study visit is mandatory.
@Viggo, I also have an L on study visit group, what does this mean ?
Dimitrios, every study visit group has a letter as identification, and your group has letter L, see
@Viggo, thank you !
The deadline for handing in the reflection document for study visit is 11th December before 12:00 or 24:00? In case if somebody miss the deadline misinterpreting 12:00 as 24:00, can he/she still submit it now?
Yashu, the deadline was 12:00 noon. But, since it might have been unclear, we won't consider files uploaded between noon and midnight on December 11 as late.
Thanks Viggo.
Viggo Kann redigerade 8 september 2015
The computer science master's program, reflection seminar in September 2015 Preparations for the reflection
* Read the general instructions for the seminars in the menu to the left.
* Find which group you belong to by looking up your results of the course in the Rapp system (Group number, fall, between 1 and 18). If this is your second year of the course, then the group number is probably the same as it was during fall 2014 (but some groups have been changed!).
* The European Bologna agreement of higher education. Read the two first sections (the introduction and Three degree cycle) of Bologna-an overview of the main elements. The second cycle in the Bologna system is called avancerad nivå (advanced level) in Swedish. Master's programs belong to the second cycle. Therefore you should read Qualifications that signify completion of the second cycle on page 3 of Shared descriptors for ... second cycle... awards. This text is known as the Dublin descriptors, since the agreeement was signed in Dublin.
* Read the objectives of the master's program.
* Read about the contents, courses and tracks of the master's program in the program syllabus.
The written reflection Write a reflection document based on reading above and the following questions. The document should be 500-600 words, not counting quotations of learning outcomes.
Reflect on the fact that the majority of courses within the master's programme are on the "advanced level". This could mean that the courses cover more advanced topics, but perhaps also that the course contents may be left open for the students to define and explore. Also consider the pedagogy and the assessment.
* Only first year students (prosamm15):
* What do you expect to differ from your earlier studies?
* What would you like to be different?
* What should remain the same?
* What is your experience from the first weeks of the semester?
* Only second year students (prosamm14):
* In your experience, what is different? Examples?
* Are courses with small classes different in this respect?
* Are you exposed to more "open questions"? Is this good?
Hand in the reflection, read the group members' reflections and comment on them Your written reflection must be handed in before 24.00 on September 17. There is a video showing how to upload the document to Google Drive. The link to the document should be put (not earlier than September12) in a file with your name in the AFS directory /info/prosamm15/seminars-1516/period-1/group-X where X is your group's number.
You have to comment on all the other group members' reflection documents using the Google Drive comment functionality (Comment in the Insert menu) before September 21, at 12.00. The comment should have some sort of content, not just "I agree".
Participate actively in the seminar Find your group number in the table below and lookup when and where your seminar is. The seminar is about 50 minutes, and it is important to be on time. Notice the odd starting times (10 minutes past)! Instructions on how to find the rooms can be found in the menu to the left.
Date and time 1537 4523 1625 523 F0 September 22, 8.10-9.00 9 13 3 15 September 22, 9.10-10.00 1 14 4 11 17 September 24, 15.10-16.00 10 5 12 16 September 24, 16.10-17.00 2 6 18 October 1, 15.10-16.00 7 October 1, 16.10-17.00 8
Why can't I link the document before September 12?
When i try to access the directory i get a "permission denied" error. (With group# from Rapp as well as every other)
I get a permission denied-error as well. Apparently, creating the file with "touch Jonas-Modling" was no problem, but editing and saving that file wasn't permitted.
Christoph! I just realized that there is a problem with new Ubuntu accounts, which means that it is currently not possible to give students with new accounts access to specified AFS directorys. I hope the problem will be solved before September 15.
Jonas! You are only allowed to create new files in the group directory, not edit or delete already created files. Therefore you need to use a way to put your file in the group directory that does not edit or rename files. Use for example the redirect operator > as in the video or simply create the file in your home directory and use cp to copy it to the group directory.
I get 404 when trying to access the Bologna files.
The URL to the Bologna overview at the EUA website was changed today! Now the links above have been updated.
I am unable to access the Rapp system. Even not able to login to the system using my credentials.
Shashank: If you are re-directed to the kth.se login site from rapp, enter your credentials and are immediately flashed back to the kth.se login site: Try logging out from kth.se and then try the rapp login.
Shashank, you could also login to Rapp in an incognito/private browser window.
Incognito mode works fine. Thank you for your reply Viggo and Karl.
When logging in on u-shell.csc.kth.se I get permission denied when trying to access the /info/prosamm15/seminars-1516/period-1/group-13 and combinations on the path with afs. However, I am able to reach /afs/nada.kth.se/misc/info/nyakurser/DD2300/prosamm14/seminars-1516/period-1/group-13 from my own computer. Is it supposed to be like this?
I Want to submit my reflections but i m not usre to which group i am belongs to and my mentor ?
any suggestion how to find my groupd and mentors ???
I want to my reflection but I dont know how to open the CSC Computer terminal window ?
Fabian, the two paths are equivalent. Give the kinit command in your u-shell terminal window command and try again to access the directory. If this does not work, please contact IT-service.
Aditya, you will find your group number in the Rapp system (use the link in the text above). Once you know the group number you will find the mentor in the "Mentors and groups" list in the menu to the left.
I think I am not active participant until yesterday. It was fixed yesterday evening But Still I donot see any group number in the Rapp System. Could it possible for you to check my group number ?
Muhammad, the easiest way is to go to a KTH computer (Ubuntu system) and login.
You can also open a terminal window to the server u-shell.csc.kth.se from your own
computer, but you will need a secure connection (ssh).
Aditya, your group number is in the Rapp system, in the course prosamm15. (It is 11.)
I've uploaded my Google Drive link to the prosamm-folder, but I noticed now that I'm not able to comment on the uploaded document even though I have set the premissions. The file format is .docx, is this format perhaps not supported any longer?
I have made a file with my name Yashu-Sharma in the shared drive provided but it has the wrong link. I have provided the correct link in another file named as Yashu-sharma. I am trying to delete the old file or rename the new file but it is not allowing me. Request you to delete the old file named Yashu-Sharma. New file Yashu-sharma should only be there.
Yashu, the group directories are read-and-create-files only. You are not allowed to rename, delete or edit files. You could ask your mentor to do that.
Marwan, you need to follow the steps in the video to make a Google document comment-able.
Thanks Viggo.
My group number is 5 and mentor is Jens Lagergren.
Should I write him an e-mail or he will comment upon this forum? Please let me know his E-mail ID.
Yashu, you can look up the e-mail address of any KTH professor or staff on the KTH intranet.
Thanks Viggo.
If someone in my group has not uploaded correctly so I am unable to comment, should I proceed accordingly to "What if you don't want to share your reflections with Google Drive?"?
Oskar, first you should point out to that person that the document do not have correct permissions. Send an e-mail to him or her. Hopefully that person will soon fix the problem. It the problem isn't fixed your solution (proceeding accoringly to "What if you don't want to share your reflections with Google Drive?") seems useful.
My name is Lakshmi and i am in group 2. I Wanted to comment on my group members reflection documents but when i am trying to comment it is showing the name of the person as anonymous instead of showing my name. Why it is showing anonymous? Am i doing anything wrong? Please help me to solve this problem.
Is there going to be a website stating a grading criteria for this course?
The "seminars" link on this page leads to the prosamm14 page.
Now the seminars link leads to the correct page. No big deal since the information is the same on both pages.
Is the first written reflection due on September 17, 24.00 or 24.00 before September 17?