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Version skapad av Pawel Herman 2017-01-11 21:59

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15/12/2016                      Meeting with supervisors (led by Örjan Ekeberg and Pawel Herman)

18/12/2016                      Deadline for the submission of project proposals by supervisors (email to Pawel                                       Herman, kexjobbCSC.pawel@gmail.com)

23/01/2017                      Introductory session for students (led by Örjan Ekeberg and Pawel Herman)                                             (F2, 13-15)

30/01/2017                      Deadline for students to express their project preferences (email to Pawel                                               Herman)

1/02/20167                      Allocation of projects to student groups (Pawel Herman)

6-8/02/2017                     Introductory meetings held by each supervisors to discuss projects within the                                           allocated student groups and provide general guidelines concerning a project                                           specification

17/02/2017                      Hand-in of project specification by students (emailed to supervisors and/or                                               submitted through Canvas; supervisors upload these specifications to the                                               course web)

1-3/03/2017                     Meetings held by supervisors to provide feedback to their students on the                                               literature studies and project background description

6/03/2017                        Session on report writing for students (held by Linda Söderlindh), kl.10-12, D1

27-31/03/2017                 Half-way meetings held by Linda Söderlindh – each student group will be                                                 assigned to one out of five available four-hour timeslots between the 27th and                                          31st of March (specific assignments and details for student groups will be          announced later)

3-7/04/2017                    Meetings held by supervisors to monitor progress, discuss results and                                                    preliminary reports produced by their students

25-29/04/2017                Students send their report drafts to their supervisors before a meeting session in                                      the beginning of May

2-5/05/2017                    Meetings held by supervisors for a final round of comments on their students’                                          reports      

12/05/2017                     Hand-in of students' reports for peer feedback at the conference (students email                                      the reports to their supervisors and/or submit through Canvas)

15/05/2017                     Supervisors upload their students' reports to the course web

15/05/2017                     Session on oral presentation techniques for students (Linda Söderlindh), kl.13-                                          15, F2

22/05/2017                     Hand-in of students' peer reviews (students email to their supervisors and/or                                            submit through Canvas)

23/05/2017                     Supervisors upload the reviews written by their students to the course web

29/05 & 1-2/06/2017       Student conference (supervisors act as chairmen and reviewers)

8/06/2016                        Hand-in of students' final reports subject to assessment (emailed to supervisors                                       and/or submitted through Canvas).

9/06/2016                        Supervisors upload their students' final reports to the course webpage.

15/06/2016                      Deadline for students to upload their thesis reports to DiVA

20/06/2016                      Deadline for supervisors to grade students' work

  • supervisors grade (P/F) not only reports of their own students but also a set of reports produced by other allocated students
  • supervisors also examine the peer reviews of the work of their own students

23/06/2016                      Deadline to make final assessments including presentations and approval of                                           opponent's performance (all potential discrepancies in grading should be                                                   resolved at this stage by Örjan Ekeberg)