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Version skapad av Pawel Herman 2017-01-24 18:02

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Good report examples - The Hall of Fame

Anna-Karin Evert and Alfrida Mattisson (2016) Rekommendationssystem med begränsad data.

Peter Finmann and Max Winberg (2016) Deep reinforcement learning compared with Q-table learning applied.

Jonas Dahl and Rasmus Fredrikson (2016) A comparative study between a simulated annealing and a gene.

Victor Ähdel and Alex Sundström (2016) Is GPGPU CCL worth it? A performance comparison some GPU
and CPU algorithms for solving connected components labeling on binary images some

Sandra Bäckström and Johan Fredin Haslun (2016) Detecting Trends on Twitter The Effect of Unsupervis.

Anton Jansson and Kristoffer Uggla Lingvall (2015) Elevator Control Using Reinforcement Learning to Select Strategy.

Alam Joy and Jesper Ljungehed (2015) A comparative study of hybrid artificial neural network models for one-day stock price prediction.

Lovisa Runhem and Filip Schulze (2015) Evaluating a fractal features method for automatic detection of Alzheimer’s Disease in brain MRI scans.

Paulina Hensman and David Masko (2015) The Impact of Imbalanced Training Data for Convolutional Neural Networks.

Victor Larsson and Jesper Qvarfordt (2015) Taligenkänning som inmatningsmetod för naturligt språk.

Ragnhild Karlsson and Mikael Eriksson (2014) Brain Pattern Recognition: An evaluation of how the choice of training data affect classification accuracy for inexperienced BCI-users.

Hjalmar Laestander and Mattias Harrysson (2014) Solving Sudoku efficiently with Dancing Links.

Michael Håkansson and Hampus Liljekvist (2014) Pseudoslumptalsgenerering: En studie av pseudoslumpsalgoritmer i allmänhet med fokus på C++11-biblioteket Random samt implementation av en modifierad XORShift.

Erik Norell and David Chavez (2014) Simulating the evolution of silverfish Evolution modelled as an evolutionary algorithm.