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We are happy to announce that the course has received the EECS Award of the Year 2020 for its ability to create impact in society by letting the students solve real problems in projects provided by Swedish organizations. In combination with guest lectures and mentoring, this has significantly improved the external relations of the school. With numerous successful projects reported in Swedish news, it has also drawn positive attention to the educational activities of EECS.

The aim of the course is to help the student understand the basic theory of software engineering, and to apply theoretical principles to a group (of 8 members) software development project. For project details read this years Project catalog. 

You must register for the course using KTH's web system.  See the following link for general information  if you are re-registering for the course, you should go to the following link  and send in a registration request. If you have any questions about the course registration, please go to the  student support/service center.

Please note: it is difficult for you to join a project group after the course has started. Therefore it is important that you take part in Introduction to Software Engineering from the very beginning of the course. If you join the course late I cannot guarantee you a project place, and you may not be able to complete the course this year. 

The course is structured in three learning units (agile learning cycles). All students are expected to perform and participate in practical tasks and actively follow lectures. 

Students are expected to read the course material and then have the ability to explain and draw conclusion from the material. The student should also be able to individually discuss, explain and motivate ideas and solutions. 
