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Vecka 4 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 21 jan 10:00-12:00 Föreläsning
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Föreläsning Lärare: Johan Hoffman
Plats: E52
Fre 23 jan 10:00-12:00 Föreläsning
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Föreläsning Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: E33
Fre 23 jan 13:00-15:00 Laboration (Room change: lab will now take place in the VIC Studio)
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Plats: 5V2Kar

Please note that this Lab will take place in the VIC Studio.

See this link for directions:


Please bring your laptop! (if you have one)

Vecka 5 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 28 jan 10:00-12:00 Föreläsning
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Föreläsning Lärare: Johan Hoffman
Plats: E31
Fre 30 jan 10:00-12:00 Föreläsning
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Föreläsning Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: D42
Fre 30 jan 13:00-15:00 Laboration (Room change: lab will now take place in the VIC Studio)
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Plats: 5V2Kar

Please note that this Lab will take place in the VIC Studio.

See this link for directions:
Please bring your laptop! (if you have one)

As was the case last week, 5V2Kar will also be available for you should you wish to use the computers there.

Vecka 6 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 4 feb 10:00-12:00 Föreläsning
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Föreläsning Lärare: Johan Hoffman
Plats: D41
Fre 6 feb 10:00-12:00 Lecture (Room change: lecture will now take place in the VIC Studio)
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Föreläsning Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: D35

Please note that this Lecture will take place in the VIC Studio.

See this link for directions:


Fre 6 feb 13:00-15:00 Laboration (Room change: lab will now take place in the VIC Studio)
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Laboration Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: 5V2Kar

Please note that this Lab will take place in the VIC Studio.

See this link for directions:


Please bring your laptop! (if you have one)

Vecka 7 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 10 feb 15:00-17:00 Föreläsning
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Föreläsning Lärare: Johan Hoffman
Plats: E53
Fre 13 feb 10:00-12:00 Lecture in D33
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Föreläsning Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: D33
Fre 13 feb 13:00-15:00 Laboration (Room change: lab will now take place in the VIC Studio)
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Laboration Lärare: Christopher Peters
Plats: 5V2Kar

Please note that this Lab will take place in the VIC Studio.

See this link for directions:


Please bring your laptop! (if you have one)

Vecka 8 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Ons 18 feb 10:00-12:00 Project session (Room change: will now take place in the VIC Studio)
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Plats: V12

Will now take place in the VIC Studio.

See this link for directions:


Vecka 9 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 24 feb 13:00-15:00 Project session
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Plats: D35
Ons 25 feb 10:00-12:00 Seminarium
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Anmärkning: egen sal, VIC
Fre 27 feb 13:00-15:00 Seminarium
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Anmärkning: egen sal, VIC
Vecka 10 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 3 mar 10:00-12:00 Seminarium
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Anmärkning: egen sal, VIC

Here, you will have an opportunity to ask questions, advice and feedback from the course team before the project presentation session.

Ons 4 mar 10:00-12:00 Final Project Presentation Seminar
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Plats: D34

Please bring a laptop on which to do your presentation (if you have one!).

Fre 6 mar 10:00-12:00 13:00-15:00 Exam revision and lab support session ( VIC Studio)
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Anmärkning: egen sal, VIC

Note: takes place from 13:00-15:00 (not 10 to 12)

Vecka 11 2015 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 9 mar 10:00-12:00 Lab support session 10 - 12 (Room change: will now take place in the VIC Studio)
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Plats: D42

Will take place in the VIC Studio.

See this link for directions:


Fre 13 mar 14:00-18:00 Tentamen
VT 2015 ModSIm15
Plats: E33, E34