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Version skapad av Linda Kann 2016-09-19 16:00

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Seminar groups

There are twelve groups; each group has a one hour (45 mins) seminar each week. See schedule for dates and times. If you have a schedule conflict with another course you may swap groups with another student. At the end of each lecture there will be a swapping session by the blackboard. There is also a group swap wiki page.

Figuring out your assigned group number is the assignment in Homework 0.


Homework is to be handed in on https://www.peergrade.io/, if you have not received an invitation by email please contact Linda. 

Peer assessment

You will be asked to review the work of some of your peers (anonymously). Studies show that peer assessment improves your ability to assess your own work, which in turn improves your performance.  See for example the research article The assessment cycle: a model for learning through peer assessment

The grading of the homework (pass/redo/fail) will be done by the teachers, and results will be reported in rapp.

Missing a seminar 

If you miss a seminar, due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances, there will be a makeup opportunity in the exam week at the end of period 1 and period 2. You will be given a special assignment (reading + oral presentation).

You will not be admitted if you are more than five minutes late for the seminar.

Preliminary plan

Seminar Subject Reading Homework Hand in at 22:00
- Group number Homework 0 Sept 18
1 Science

Zeno's paradoxes

Science as Falsification

Homework 1 Sept 20
2 Philosophy Okasha ch 1,2

Homework 2

Sept 27
3 Turing and consciousness Homework 3 Oct 04
4 Mathematics Homework 4 Oct 12
5 Scientific method Homework 5 Nov 1
6 Scientific articles Homework 6 Nov 09
7 Probabilistic problems Homework 7 Nov 16
8 Application: Multi-version Programming Homework 8 Nov 23
9 Ethics Homework 9 Nov 30
10 Analysis of Arguments Homework 10 Dec 7