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Seminars and Homework

Seminar groups

There are twelve groups; each group has a one hour (45 mins) seminar each week. See schedule for dates and times. If you have a schedule conflict with another course you may swap groups with another student. At the end of each lecture there will be a swapping session by the blackboard. There is also a group swap wiki page.

Figuring out your assigned group number is the assignment in Homework 0.


Homework is to be handed in on https://www.peergrade.io/, if you have not received an invitation by email please contact Linda. There will be a makeup opportunity for missed homework and peer grading at the end of period 2 (13-19 December).

Peer assessment

You will be asked to review the work of some of your peers (anonymously). Studies show that peer assessment improves your ability to assess your own work, which in turn improves your performance.  See for example the research article The assessment cycle: a model for learning through peer assessment

The grading of the homework (pass/redo/fail) will be done by the teachers, and results will be reported in rapp.

Missing a seminar 

Book a slot for seminar make-up here: in English på svenska

If you miss a seminar, due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances, there will be a makeup opportunity in the exam week at the end of period 1 and period 2. You will be given a special assignment (reading + oral presentation).

You will not be admitted if you are more than five minutes late for the seminar.

Preliminary plan

Seminar Subject Reading Homework Hand in at 22:00
- Group number Homework 0 Sept 18
1 Science

Zeno's paradoxes

Science as Falsification

Homework 1 Sept 20
2 Philosophy Okasha ch 1,2

Homework 2

Sept 27
3 Research methods Walliman ch 1,2 Homework 3 Oct 04
4 Scientific method Okasha ch 3 Homework 4 Oct 12
5 Scientific method

Walliman ch 3

Tichy (Experiments in CS

Homework 5 Nov 2
6 Scientific articles

How to Read a Scientific Article

Recurrent Neural Learning for Classifying Spoken Utterances

Homework 6 Nov 09
7 Probabilistic problems Walliman ch 8 and 9 Homework 7 Nov 16
8 Panel discussions

Is Computer Science Science?

Failure rates in introductory programming revisited

Becoming experts: measuring attitude development in introductory computer science

Homework 8 Nov 23
9 Ethics

Walliman ch 4

Lecture 8: Ethics in Science

Ethical dilemmas

Homework 9 Nov 30
10 Analysis of Arguments


Logical fallacies

Homework 10

Homework 10

Dec 7

Linda Kann skapade sidan 28 juli 2016

Assistent Linda Kann ändrade rättigheterna 28 juli 2016

Kan därmed läsas av lärare och ändras av lärare.

Assistent Linda Kann ändrade rättigheterna 14 september 2016

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 15 september 2016

How do you actually register for Peergrade? The invite received by mail does not allow sign-in via kth. 

kommenterade 15 september 2016

Just login as usual without selecting any university. I was also confused about this at first

Assistent kommenterade 15 september 2016

Kashmir is right, KTH is not yet on the list of universities (this course is the pilot test for KTH).

kommenterade 19 september 2016

When submitting homework to Peergrade.io, should we include or omit personal information from our solution PDFs?

kommenterade 19 september 2016

Hi, I can't seem to find the seminar groups and at what time they are? Where can I find this information?

Assistent kommenterade 19 september 2016

The calendar page will show you where to go!

Assistent kommenterade 20 september 2016
kommenterade 25 september 2016

I am unable to find the correct answers to homework 2. It's a bit difficult to peer review without knowing for sure what the correct answer is. They're not here and I can't find any solutions on Peergrade.io either.

kommenterade 25 september 2016

I meant homework 1.

Assistent kommenterade 26 september 2016

After the seminar you should be confident enough to peer review the homework. If you have specific questions please ask one of the teachers after the seminar or at a lecture. Or visit us, we all have our offices in the D building.

kommenterade 28 september 2016

I'm sick today and cannot participate in the seminar I should, if I am feeling better tomorrow may I join one of those seminars?

kommenterade 28 september 2016

If you miss a seminar, how does one arrange to make up for it (eg as suggested during exam week)?

kommenterade 28 september 2016

I did the Homework 2, but I actually forgot to make the pdf-file and upload it. So I am ready for the seminar. Can I participate or should I do the entire thing again at the exam week?

Assistent kommenterade 28 september 2016

@Joel: You may go to the seminar for group 3 tomorrow  Sept 29, see schedule

Assistent kommenterade 28 september 2016

@Milosz: I will email you instructions, and put up a booking list on the webpage.

Assistent kommenterade 28 september 2016

@Hassan: This once you may go to the seminar anyway.

kommenterade 28 september 2016


My bus did not come this morning and I missed the seminar. May I participate to any session tomorrow?

Assistent kommenterade 28 september 2016

@Aurélien You may go to the seminar for group 2 tomorrow  Sept 29, see schedule

kommenterade 30 september 2016

I have not have anything reported in Rapp for seminar 1 or 2, is someone else having the same issue?

Assistent kommenterade 2 oktober 2016


This is because you were not registered in rapp. I will try to add you tomorrow Monday.

kommenterade 2 oktober 2016

Okay, thank you @Linda.

kommenterade 3 oktober 2016

I haven't got the invitation for homework 3 and there is nothing about it on my peergrade page. Isn't it open yet? Or there is something wrong with my profile? 

Assistent kommenterade 3 oktober 2016

It should be visible in peergrade also, I will check.

Assistent kommenterade 3 oktober 2016

@Sarah Try to hand in now!

kommenterade 3 oktober 2016

Thanks Linda, I have the access now.

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 5 oktober 2016

I'm trying to give feedback for homework 3 in Peergrade. There is a button to submit feedback, but there are no questions or fields where I can fill in anything. Should it be like this?

Assistent kommenterade 5 oktober 2016

Nope, something is not working. I will check!

kommenterade 10 oktober 2016

What are we suppose to do in homework 4? On the one hand it says "how would you apply the scientific method in the following cases?" but on the other hand all the assignments have a separate question that should be answered. Do you want us to answer the questions with concrete answers, or just describe how we would go about finding a scientific answer to the questions? Me and my friends are all clueless right now....

Assistent kommenterade 10 oktober 2016

We want you to answer all the separate questions with a concrete answer! But a simple Yes/No is not enough, you must "Describe the methods you would use in each of the cases and motivate all your answers."

kommenterade 27 oktober 2016

When will homework 5 be published?

Assistent kommenterade 30 oktober 2016

Homework 5 was published Oct 28th

Do you recieve an email from peergrade when there is new homework to be handed in?

kommenterade 30 oktober 2016

I got an email for Homework 4 but haven't got an email for homework 5 yet. 

kommenterade 30 oktober 2016

Yes, the same for me. I got notifications when the hand-ins opened for homework 1-4, but not for homework 5.

Assistent kommenterade 30 oktober 2016

My hypotheses are:

  1. KTH spam filter ate the email
  2. Something changed in Peegrade

Will explore these next week. Meanwhile - please hand in Homework 5 anyway!

kommenterade 8 november 2016

In homework 6 the template has a field called "context". Are we supposed to read several other articles of the area to be able to fill in that field, or should we leave it blank?

Assistent kommenterade 8 november 2016

Is there perhaps something you already know about that you can connect to? Say an area of research or a course at KTH that you know about.

kommenterade 9 november 2016

Is there any preparation for the case of a similar blizzard as today's occurring tomorrow? Today all the buses were cancelled etc.

Assistent kommenterade 9 november 2016

We will arrange extra seminar slots later on for those of you who are snowed in tomorrow.

kommenterade 10 november 2016

My bus did not come because of the snow and arrived too late to attend my seminar. May I come tomorrow to any other session?

Assistent kommenterade 10 november 2016

Yes, you are welcome to seminar for group 2 or 3 tomorrow.

kommenterade 13 november 2016

I have a question about homework 7. Are we supposed to program a, for example, Java program that creates a problem instance , test a strategy a couple of times, get some results from it which we can base our analysis? If so, do we also have to append the code or just the results from it?

Assistent kommenterade 13 november 2016

Yes, this is exactly what you should do. We are also interested in your code as well as the results, so please append both to your homework.

kommenterade 14 november 2016

Is the e in n * e in the "Cerebral Cereal" task  suppose to be the constant e = 2.718... ?

Assistent kommenterade 14 november 2016

@Johan: Yes.

kommenterade 15 november 2016

I do not understand the third question on homework 7. What is meant by significance by 95% or 99%? 

Assistent kommenterade 15 november 2016

There is a chapter on statistical hypothesis testing in your textbook from the Statistics course. Johan will also give you a recap in the lecture on Wednesday.

kommenterade 15 november 2016

Calculating whether the results are significant wrt some level is one thing, but what I don't understand is what we're supposed to simulate? Are we supposed to assume some distribution as H0 and just simulate it?

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
Assistent kommenterade 15 november 2016

@Joel: This is for you to figure out!

Assistent kommenterade 15 november 2016

@Chaya: No zip files please, just paste the program into the pdf.

kommenterade 18 november 2016

When is Homework 8 getting uploaded?

kommenterade 19 november 2016

About peer-reviewing homework 7, the first question says "Has a winning strategy been found?". As far as I understood the question there is nothing that says we acutally had to find a winning strategy, only that we programmed a strategy and tested it. 

So was part of the assignment to find a winning strategy or not?

Assistent kommenterade 20 november 2016

You are right, there is certainly nothing that says that you have to find a winning strategy! When you grade this there is a "Text response", instead of a simple yes/no, so you can give your opinion on any winning strategy you are presented with.

kommenterade 20 november 2016

I am confused about the Homework 8. Will we really attend a panel in the next seminar? Or will we pretend that we are attending to a panel, and prepare a questionnaire to be asked during the panel?

Assistent kommenterade 20 november 2016

You will actually participate in a panel next seminar! You will randomly be assigned a role as moderator or panel member. Just the seminar group, so you do not need to be nervous.

kommenterade 28 november 2016

In seminar 9, some yes/no questions could have different answers within each ethical theory. How are we supposed to address this? (Say both standpoints, or pick only one)

Assistent kommenterade 28 november 2016

One is sufficient, you do not need to argue for both standpoints. 

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 6 december 2016

So if I get this correctly:
P: At least one excerpt contains no arguments

P: You must identify premises and conclusion for all arguments

C: You don't have to write down premises and conclusion for all excerpts (with no arguments)?

Assistent kommenterade 6 december 2016


Yes, you have certainly got this!

En användare har tagit bort sin kommentar
kommenterade 12 december 2016

Vad "händer" om man har fått fail på en uppgift?

Assistent kommenterade 12 december 2016

If you got an F on a Homework you can redo it and hand it in this week (starting tomorrow).

kommenterade 13 december 2016

Hand it in on Peergrade.io or physically in person? Also, I forgot to peer grade at one point.... how is this solved?

Assistent kommenterade 13 december 2016

@Elias: You will have received an email from peergrade inviting you to hand in/peer grade.

kommenterade 15 december 2016

I'm missing a grade on one of the homework assignments. Does it mean I have to hand it in again?

kommenterade 16 december 2016

I missed homework 2 and its peer review. I submit my late hand in on peergrade. I also got an invitation for "Late peer grading", but the link goes to the main page of peergrade where I can see all of my previouse homeworks. I expected to see a page for late hand in reviews. What should I do now? Is that a bug or should I peer review the second homework that I had missed?

kommenterade 19 december 2016

I have not received a mail from Peergrade.io and there is nothing turning up on the page where I can upload the old homework... But a lot of the Peergrade.io mails disappear so maybe I have missed it... most mail servers seem to be treating it as spam.. :(

Assistent kommenterade 21 december 2016

@Elias: We will try again - see if it works this time!

kommenterade 23 december 2016

@Linda får försöka igen... SÅg att den var öppen igår men nu när jag skulle skicka in den stod det att den var stängd igen.... :(

Assistent kommenterade 23 december 2016

@Elias: No worries, you should be able to hand it in now.

kommenterade 23 december 2016

@Linda: Handed-in! Merry xmas!