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Ändringar mellan två versioner

Här visas ändringar i "Lectures" mellan 2016-09-14 19:18 av Linda Kann och 2016-09-14 22:54 av Linda Kann.

Visa < föregående | nästa > ändring.


This is a preliminary plan. Lecture notes will be updated each week.

Lecture Date Subject Notes (pdf) Reading 1 Introduction Lecture 1 Okasha ch 1 2 Definition of Science Lecture 2 Okasha ch 2 3 Scientific Method 1 Lecture 3 Okasha ch 3 4 Scientific method 2 Lecture 4 Okasha ch 4-5 5 Research in practice Lecture 5 Walliman ch 1-3,5 6 Statistics and other tools - The second hour will be a guest lecture on degree projects by Anna-Karin Högfeldt. Lecture 6 Walliman ch 6-9 7 Computer Science Lecture 7 Lecture notes 8 Ethics in Science Lecture 8 Walliman ch 4 9 Science and Society Lecture 9 Okasha ch 6, 7 EXAM