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Version skapad av Linda Kann 2015-09-19 20:15

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There are eight groups; each group has a one hour (45 mins) seminar each week (see schedule). Your assigned group number is the sum of all digits in your social security number modulo 8 (replace non-digits with 0).

If you have a schedule conflict with another course you may swap groups with another student. At the end of each lecture there will be a swapping session by the blackboard. If possible, swap with someone who has the same group parity (odd/even).

This is a preliminary plan

Seminar Subject Reading Homework
1 Science first chapter in Gorham: Philosophy of Science Homework 1
2 Philosophy Gorham: Chapter 3 p 53-79 Homework 2
3 Turing and consciousness
4 Mathematics
5 Experiments
6 Scientific Method
7 Ethics
8 Probabilistic problems
9 Application: Multi-version Programming
10 Analysis of Arguments