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There are eight groups; each group has a one hour (45 mins) seminar each week (see schedule). Your assigned group number is the sum of all digits in your social security number modulo 8 (replace non-digits with 0).

If you have a schedule conflict with another course you may swap groups with another student. At the end of each lecture there will be a swapping session by the blackboard. If possible, swap with someone who has the same group parity (odd/even).There is also a group swap wiki page.

This is a preliminary plan

Seminar Subject Reading Homework Hand in at 20:00
1 Science first chapter in Gorham: Philosophy of Science Homework 1 Sept 16
2 Philosophy Gorham: Chapter 3 p 53-79

Homework 2


Sept 23
3 Turing and consciousness see homework! Homework 3 Sept 30
4 Mathematics Homework 4 Oct 7
5 Scientific method Homework 5 Nov 4
6 Scientific articles Planning a research project Homework 6 Nov 10
7 Probabilistic problems Homework 7 Nov 18
8 Application: Multi-version Programming Homework 8 Nov 25
9 Ethics Homework 9 Dec 2
10 Analysis of Arguments Homework 10 Dec 9

Assistent Linda Kann skapade sidan 21 augusti 2015

kommenterade 7 september 2015

If we are not able to attend one of the scheduled seminars is there a way to still pass the course?

Assistent kommenterade 8 september 2015

If you cannot attend a seminar try the following:

  • If the time slot for another group would work - swap places with a student from that group.
  • Otherwise - contact me after a lecture/seminar and I will give you an extra  assignment (this will always include an oral presentation).
kommenterade 8 september 2015

When calculating the digit sum of our social security number, should we include all 12 numbers?

Assistent kommenterade 8 september 2015

Use the last 10 (skip the 19 for century).

kommenterade 10 september 2015

I have calculated my group as zero. Just wanted to be sure: My personal number is 8808150802. The sum of digits is 40. 40 modulo 8 is zero.

Please confirm.

Assistent kommenterade 10 september 2015

Yes, you are in group 0.

kommenterade 11 september 2015

For foreign students that do not have a personal number, what are we supposed to compute to know which group we're in?

kommenterade 11 september 2015

Also, how are we supposed to turn in assignments through KTH social?

Assistent kommenterade 11 september 2015


  • You are in group 3.
  • "Assignments" is at the bottom of the General menu, just below "Honor code" - see it?

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kommenterade 11 september 2015

Can you tell me , in which group i belong ?

Assistent kommenterade 11 september 2015


You are also in group 3.

kommenterade 11 september 2015

thank you !

kommenterade 11 september 2015

Thank you, I had already seen this button many times and forgotten that it existed.

kommenterade 14 september 2015

Is it possible to attend a seminar for a different group than the one you're assigned to? I have some scheduling conflicts with lab sessions in the course IK2218. I've contacted them to see if I can move the lab session, but I'm not sure I can.

kommenterade 14 september 2015

When will the assignment for Homework 2 be available? I will be unable to attend the seminar but I spoke to the professor during the lecture and he said that I should do assignment 1 and 2 and hand in both at Seminar 1, is this correct?

kommenterade 15 september 2015

I am also interested in knowing if it's possible to attend a seminar for a different group.

kommenterade 15 september 2015

Can you please confirm my group? I have a temporary Personnummer and a permanent one and don't know which one is to be used!

Assistent kommenterade 15 september 2015


Use your permanent one, which puts you in group 5.

Assistent kommenterade 15 september 2015

On attending a seminar for a different group

We will have a swapping session at the end of the lecture tomorrow (Wednesday sept 16 10:00 in D2) where you will be able to swap with a member of another group. This should ensure that no group swells uncontrollably.

If possible, swap with someone who has the same group parity (odd/even) as you, to get the same teacher.

kommenterade 16 september 2015

Can I get my group number too? I dont have a personnumber.

Assistent kommenterade 16 september 2015

Group 1

kommenterade 16 september 2015

i have both temporary and permanent personal number , but in the rapp system its not updated and it shows my temporary personal number , which one should i use ?

Assistent kommenterade 16 september 2015


You seem to be in group 2.

kommenterade 22 september 2015

I feel a bit stupid now, but what exactly is the question in homework 2, section 2 "When does induction work?" ?

Is the task to reflect a bit about the Ravens paradox? To rewrite H1 in terms of DB queries? Or is the title the question?

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kommenterade 6 oktober 2015

I can upload it now!

kommenterade 6 oktober 2015

My bad, I think I was looking at the wrong place again. Sorry about that.

kommenterade 7 oktober 2015

what happens if I am not able to participate in any of the semenares this week?

Assistent kommenterade 7 oktober 2015

You will have to discuss your homework with one of the teachers. Bring your homework on paper and try to find us as soon as possible.

kommenterade 22 oktober 2015

Will our group numbers change in November ?  

Assistent kommenterade 22 oktober 2015

No - you will keep the same group number.

kommenterade 3 november 2015

Det finns ännu inte någonstans att lägga upp homework 5?

Assistent kommenterade 3 november 2015

Titta igen :-)

kommenterade 3 november 2015

Jag kan inte heller se den, det kanske är något fel med behörigheten på sidan.

Johannes Olsson: När du försöker ändra behörigheten, dubbelkolla att den lilla checkrutan under behörighetsvalet där det står något i stil med "Jag är medveten om....." är ikryssad. Glömmer man den ändras inte behörigheten, och man får ett litet rött felmeddelande där som man måste scrolla ner till för att se.

kommenterade 3 november 2015

Ah, I just found it. It's not under "General" anymore, but has moved to be under "HT 2015 vettig15" in the menu.

kommenterade 3 november 2015

For Homework 5 (scientific method), question 5 about selling routers. Can we assume that the company makes a profit of all the 2000 SEK per sold router? 

Assistent kommenterade 3 november 2015

Yes, you can.

kommenterade 3 november 2015

Are the units of the table in question 2 (hw5) all the same (e.g. ms)?

Assistent kommenterade 4 november 2015

You can assume that all figuresin the table are in ms.

kommenterade 6 november 2015

When is homework 6 going to be released?
The deadline is approaching. 

kommenterade 7 november 2015

Excuse me for sounding harsh, but how can you expect us to keep to the deadlines when the assignment hasn't been uploaded even 3 days in advance? My Monday is fully booked and with the deadline on Tuesday I expected to be able to do it this weekend.

kommenterade 7 november 2015

I agree with above speaker.

kommenterade 9 november 2015

jag är i grupp 2 nu för tillfället, skulle jag kunna byta till grupp 5? :)

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Assistent kommenterade 9 november 2015


För resten av terminen eller bara denna vecka?

kommenterade 9 november 2015

Vad hände med alla likes på Fredrik Sommars inlägg?/What happened to all the likes on Fredrik Sommar's post?

kommenterade 9 november 2015


Resten av terminen (om det funkar), annars bara denna vecka.

Assistent kommenterade 9 november 2015


Nu är du uppgraderad till grupp 5 för resten av terminen :-)

Assistent kommenterade 9 november 2015


Skumt - visst var det 13 likes förut? Vi har ingen makt att ta bort likes. Kanske tog folk bort dom själva när den snyggare versionen av hemuppgiften kom upp? :-)

kommenterade 12 november 2015

When is homework 7 going to be released? 
The deadline is approaching.

Assistent kommenterade 12 november 2015

Homework 7 is up.

kommenterade 13 november 2015


I don't understand the second question of the homework: " The 190 students in this course attend either the first or the second hour of a seminar. When the choice was left to each student, only 85 students turned up the first hour and 105 the second hour. May we draw the conclusion that the second hour is more popular? Is the difference significant on the 95 % level? On the 99 % level? Formulate the null hypothesis and test it in a simulation program"

What does "on the 95% level" mean?

Assistent kommenterade 13 november 2015

Good question! You can read about statistical significance in the textbook from your statistics course (or on the web).

kommenterade 15 november 2015

Hi! For question 2, what are we expected to simulate? Assuming the odds of picking either (which I assume is strictly either or) is equal and running a simulation on that strikes me as wrong, but I can't come up with anything else that remotely makes sense.

Assistent kommenterade 16 november 2015

Question 2 is intended to help you understand the concept of statistical signficance. You have read about this in your statstics course, but experimenting with a simulation is a good way to review.

Why would it be wrong to simulate this?

kommenterade 16 november 2015

Because tossing a coin 190 times and comparing our results to yours does not say anything about the way your coin may be biased.

kommenterade 16 november 2015

Thanks for the response!

I don't understand what I'm supposed to simulate (and I'm not alone). Do we assume that there's a 50% chance of going to either of the two hours? That'd skew the results by my own hypothesis and is therefore out of the question, as I see it at least.

Assistent kommenterade 16 november 2015

So, running the simulation is not intended to replace collection of real data. 

What is you null hypothesis? Do not answer this question here since it is part of the homework. But if you assume your null hypothesis is true - could you still get the results given (85 students first hour, 105 students second hour)?

kommenterade 16 november 2015

This may start to become the discussion that should be held during the seminar but even if the null hypothesis was "the chance of going into the second hour is 10^-120", we could still get the same results: the null hypothesis is not about checking whether something is possible but rather whether it is likely to happen (which is why we "never" reject with confidence 1).

The issue is that we can either run simulations and check if the given results kind of look like our own results or use proper statistical tools to check whether the given results are likely given a probability distribution, and the question asks to do a mixture of both, that is to run simulations to check whether the given results are likely. That tends to go on a path that my statistics courses have tried to forbid me to follow, hence the confusion (or the assumptions made about what the question is really asking).

Assistent kommenterade 16 november 2015

"Whether it is likely to happen" is exactly what simulation will tell you and is exactly what significance means. Simulation is indeed a proper statistical tool that can determine the significance with the desired accuracy. Statistical tests often give only approximate significance. In the given case, there is a well-known test that gives a sufficiently accurate approximation of the significance. Thibaut, I am sure that your statistics course mentions the central limit theorem. Why don't you check if the theorem and the simulation give the same answer?

kommenterade 16 november 2015


Is it possible to submit the code for the solutions as separate files? It is a pain to work them into text-documents without them looking horrible. 

Assistent kommenterade 17 november 2015

Yes, you may submit them as separate files.

Assistent kommenterade 17 november 2015

(PS If you do want to add program code in LaTex the listings package is useful:


kommenterade 17 november 2015

Well, if you could recommend a good book (or paper) about the superiority of simulating against statistical tests, I would be genuinely interested: this statement feels counter-intuitive and I would need to see some kind of proof (or way lengthier explanation) to be fully convinced.

I do have heard of the central limit theorem, but given that it is mathematically proved, running a simulation against it can only have two outcome, either a success (both end up to the same result, "so what?" could ask Popper) or a failure (both end up to a different result, and the only two explanations left are that either the axioms that led to the CLT are wrong (and good luck with that) or the random generator used is of low quality, like that of Maple V that gave a Monte-Carlo estimation of Pi that was off by around 40% if I recall the experiments I did 5 years ago).

Either way, what we learnt about the real data was learnt through the CLT, not the simulation.

Assistent kommenterade 17 november 2015

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has an article on Models in Science that you may want to read. Sections 3 and 4 are especially relevant to this discussion.

We are not asking you to disregard what you learned in your statistics course, on the contrary. But we do know that hypothesis testing is not an easy topic and we hope this simulation will help you understand it.

kommenterade 30 november 2015


If you really, really, really cannot attend any of the seminar times for this week, is there any way to solve this? Make-up seminar? Write an extra reflection on the subject? Or do you have to wait for next year and attend the corresponding seminar next time?

Assistent kommenterade 30 november 2015

I will be happy to give you an extra assignment! Send me an email.

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Assistent kommenterade 5 december 2015

Sorry, we must have missed you - now reported in rapp!

kommenterade 5 december 2015

Thank you!