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Version skapad av Patrick Norman 2021-02-12 17:18

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Course literature

The course presentation will be based on multiple sources of literature, including

  • (NRS): Principles and Practices of Molecular Properties by Norman, Ruud and Saue, Wiley, (2018),  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118794821
  • (FJ): Introduction to Computational Chemistry by Jensen, Wiley, (2017).
  • (SO): Modern Quantum Chemistry by Szabo and Ostlund, Dover, (1996). Reprint of the McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York, 1989 edition
  • (DB): Group Theory in Chemistry by David Bishop, Dover, (1993). Reprint of The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1973 edition


Reading guidelines

Lecture Topic Book chapter/section
1 Hilbert space for electronic wave functions NRS: 2
2 Generators of rotation for electronic wave functions NRS: 4.3
3 Interpretation of many-electron wave functions NRS: 1
4 Matrix elements, BO approximation SO: 2.3; NRS: 6.1; FJ: 3.1
5 Hartree–Fock equation SO: 3.1-3.2; FJ: 3.2-3.3
6 Canonical Hartree–Fock equation SO: 3.2-3.3; FJ: 3.2-3.4
7 Koopmans and Brillouin theorems SO: 3.3; FJ: 3.4
8 Self-consistent field (SCF) solution SO: 3.4; FJ: 3.5
9 Spin operators for multi-electron systems SO: 2.5
10 Spin-adapted configurations SO: 2.5
11 Symmetry and molecular point groups NRS: 4; DB 2.3, 3
12 Matrix representations NRS: 4; DB 5, 6, 7