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Här visas ändringar i "1. Welcome page" mellan 2010-11-19 12:30 av Olof Emanuelsson och 2011-08-12 11:30 av Anders Andersson.

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1. Welcome page

Welcome to the course in Bioinformatics and biostatistics, fall 2011 (period 1)

This is an introductory course in bioinformatics and biostatistics. The course is aimed at students at the Biotechnology Master of Science in Engineering Degree program and the Medical Biotechnology Masters' program. The course consists of lectures and computer-based laboratory exercises. After passing the course, the student should:

* know the theory behind fundamental bioinformatics analysis methods.
* be familiar with widely used bioinformatics databases.
* know basic concepts of probability and statistics.
* be able to describe statistical methods and probability distributions relevant for molecular biology data.
* know the applications and limitations of different bioinformatics and statistical methods.
* be able to perform and interpret bioinformatics and statistical analyses with real molecular biology data.
Condensed course facts: period 1 (Aug-Oct); 7.0 hp; 186 lectures (at AlbaNova campus) and 65 computer exercises (at KTH main campus); about 1/3 of course content is biostatistics and 2/3 is bioinformatics.