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Dear sir/Maddom,
I have submitted group assignments with Mr. Namal Lianage. But i have not given 1.5 credits to myself for assignment and Namal have passed.therefore i have to do the assignment this time,but there were not available access to Thery and methodology of science.please arrange relevent arrangement to access/path.Thank you.
Nishan Sampath Kaluthanthrige
760508 A277
How can i apply to this exam?
"AK2030, Vetenskapsteori och vetenskaplig metodik (naturvetenskap), som ges 2012-03-12 klockan 1400 - 1800"
The system has changed and i cannot find a link as i could do before, althought i have received a notification email.
Thanks, i read you r not using KTH social for this course, so how can i contact you?
How can i apply to this exam?
"AK2030, Vetenskapsteori och vetenskaplig metodik (naturvetenskap), som ges 2012-03-12 klockan 1400 - 1800"
The system has changed and i cannot find a link as i could do before, althought i have received a notification email.
Thanks, i read you r not using KTH social for this course, so how can i contact you?
Schemahandläggare redigerade 31 mars 2012
[u'CMATD4MMM', u'TKEMM1', u'TMVTM1', u'TTMVM1-MDN', u'TMMMM1']
In this course, we are not using KTH Social.