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We also had the same problem as Ludvig so we decided to display max(max(abs(time-t_car))) to check what the maximum difference bewteen time and t_car was after e.g. 100 iterations. From that, we found that after about 100 iterations, the maximum difference was about 85 minutes so therefore we set the condition to 85 instead of 0.1. When we looked at the matrix "time-t_car" after the optimzation, we found that most routes had a travel time difference of either aruond 5 minutes or less than 1 minutes EXCEPT for trips from zone 6, where the differences were about 85 minutes.
maybe we have the same problem :
Out of the while-loop, I try to run the Assignment function : [time, distance, flow] = Assignment(Tij_car, A, D, cap, toll). When I run it step by step, I get stuck in the function 'num2cell.m'.
So, have you succeeded in running this Assignment function once out of the while-loop ? If yes, good for you. If not, we have maybe the same problem : please can you run it step by step to see where you get stuck ?
See you, Coralie