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Maj 2015
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

HandledningStudy Visit: Norra Djurgårdsstaden

Schemahandläggare redigerade 20 mars 2015

Måndag 4 maj 2015 kl 13:00 - 156:00



kommenterade 1 maj 2015

Do we have a meeting point somewhere at KTH?


April 2015
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningBuilt Environment and Travel Behavior

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 19 mars 2015

Built Environment and Travel BehaviorTransport and Land Use

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 16 april 2015

* Read: to be announced
* Bring: draft of your Assignment #3
Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 20 april 2015

* Read: to be announced Spiekermann & Wegener 2003, Modelling Urban Sustainability
* Read: Echenique et al 2012, Growing Cities Sustainably

* Bring: draft of your Assignment #3
Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 22 april 2015

* Read: Spiekermann & Wegener 2003, Modelling Urban Sustainability
* Read: Echenique et al 2012, Growing Cities Sustainably
* Bring: draft of your  some preliminary ideas for Assignment #3
Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 22 april 2015

Transport and Land Use (Joel Franklin)

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 22 april 2015

* Read: Spiekermann & Wegener 2003, Modelling Urban Sustainability
* Read: Echenique et al 2012, Growing Cities Sustainably
* Bring: some preliminary ideas for Assignment #3draft of Assignment #3 for discussion
Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 22 april 2015

* Read: Spiekermann & Wegener 2003, Modelling Urban Sustainability
* Read: Echenique et al 2012, Growing Cities Sustainably
* Bring: draftpreliminary ideas of Assignment #3 for discussion
Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 24 april 2015

* Read: Spiekermann & Wegener 2003, Modelling Urban Sustainability
* Read: Echenique et al 2012, Growing Cities Sustainably
* Bring: preliminary ideas of Assignment #3 for discussion
Class Materials
* Slides: Land Use & Transport Modeling

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningLong-Term Industrial Dynamics

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

Long-Term Industrial DynamicsIT and travel

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

IT andHow IT may be used to replace travel

Preparation • Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., 2004. De-materialising and re-materialising:digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (2004) 903–920.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

• Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., 2004. De-materialising and re-materialising:digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (2004) 903–920.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

• Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., 2004. De-materialising and re-materialising:digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (2004) 903–920.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 16 mars 2015

How IT may be used to replace travelGuest lecturer ??

• Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., 2004. De-materialising and re-materialising:digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (2004) 903–920.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 17 mars 2015

Guest lecturer ??

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 19 mars 2015

Guest lecturer Built Environment and Travel Behavior

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 16 april 2015

* Read TransLink, 2010, Transit-Oriented Communities: A literature review on the relationship between the built environment and transit ridership
* Read Handy et al, 2006, Self-Selection in the Relationship between the Built Environment and Walking: Empirical Evidence from Northern California
* Think about the following questions:
* What behaviors, specifically, might be reasonably influenced by the built environment?
* Whose responsibility might it be (if anyone's) to ensure that the built environment is designed for sustainable travel?
* On what time-scale could substantial changes in sustainable travel behaviors be achieved, by changing features of the built environment?

Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 16 april 2015

* Read TransLink, 2010, Transit-Oriented Communities: A literature review on the relationship between the built environment and transit ridership
* Read Handy et al, 2006, Self-Selection in the Relationship between the Built Environment and Walking: Empirical Evidence from Northern California
* Think about the following questions:
* What behaviors, specifically, might be reasonably influenced by the built environment?
* What features of the built environment are most important?
* Whose responsibility might it be (if anyone's) to ensure that the built environment is designed for sustainable travel?
* On what time-scale could substantial changes in sustainable travel behaviors be achieved, by changing features of the built environment?

Class Materials

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 21 april 2015

* Read TransLink, 2010, Transit-Oriented Communities: A literature review on the relationship between the built environment and transit ridership
* Read Handy et al, 2006, Self-Selection in the Relationship between the Built Environment and Walking: Empirical Evidence from Northern California
* Think about the following questions:
* What behaviors, specifically, might be reasonably influenced by the built environment?
* What features of the built environment are most important?
* Whose responsibility might it be (if anyone's) to ensure that the built environment is designed for sustainable travel?
* On what time-scale could substantial changes in sustainable travel behaviors be achieved, by changing features of the built environment?

Class Materials
* Slides: Built Environment & Travel

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 22 april 2015

Built Environment and Travel Behavior (Joel Franklin)

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningEnvironmental Analysis: SEA and EIA

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

Environmental Analysis: SEA and EIAGuest Lecturer/Backcasting

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 16 mars 2015

Guest Lecturer/BackcastingHow IT may be used to replace travel

• Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., 2004. De-materialising and re-materialising:digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (2004) 903–920.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 14 april 2015

How IT may be used to replace travelBackcasting and sustainable transport systems

• Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., 2004. De-materialising and re-material* Åkerman, J. et al (2007), Scenarios for the Swedish energy and transport system until 2050 that are consistent with limiting global warming to two degrees. English Summary (The rest of the report is ing:digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (2004) 903–920. Swedish), http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer/620-5754-1.pdf, pp. 13-17.

* Åkerman (2011), Transport systems meeting climate targets, PhD thesis, Dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, KTH, TRITA-SOM 2011-01.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 14 april 2015

* Åkerman, J. et al (2007), Scenarios for the Swedish energy and transport system until 2050 that are consistent with limiting global warming to two degrees. English Summary (The rest of the report is in Swedish), http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer/620-5754-1.pdf, pp. 13-17.

* Åkerman (2011), Transport systems meeting climate targets, PhD thesis, Dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, KTH, TRITA-SOM 2011-01.
Transport systems meeting climate targets.pdf¶

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 17 april 2015

* Åkerman, J. et al (2007), Scenarios for the Swedish energy and transport system until 2050 that are consistent with limiting global warming to two degrees. English Summary (The rest of the report is in Swedish), http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer/620-5754-1.pdf, pp. 13-17.

* Åkerman (2011), Transport systems meeting climate targets, PhD thesis, Dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, KTH, TRITA-SOM 2011-01.
Transport systems meeting climate targets.pdf

Slides: Lecture Backcasting and sustainable transport 2015 FINAL.pdf¶

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 17 april 2015

Backcasting and sustainable transport systems (Jonas Åkerman)

Mars 2015
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningBiodiversity, Climate and Development

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

Biodiversity, Climate and Development (Francis Johnsson)

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 19 mars 2015

Biodiversity, Climate and Development (Francis JohnssonVehicles and fuels - long term industrial dynamics (David Bauner)

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 30 mars 2015

• Bauner, D. (2010). "Den stora omställningen" ("The great transition"), Dept. of Industrial Dynamics, KTH, TRITA-IEO 2010/01. Executive summary, pp. ix-xiii.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 31 mars 2015

Vehicles and fuels - long term industrial dynamics (David Bauner)  Preparation

• Bauner, D. (2010). "Den stora omställningen" ("The great transition"), Dept. of Industrial Dynamics, KTH, TRITA-IEO 2010/01. Executive summary, pp. ix-xiii. Bauner 2010 Executive Summary DenStoraOmställningen.pdf¶

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 31 mars 2015

Vehicles and fuels - long term industrial dynamics (David Bauner)  Preparation

• Bauner, D. (2010). "Den stora omställningen" ("The great transition"), Dept. of Industrial Dynamics, KTH, TRITA-IEO 2010/01. Executive summary, pp. ix-xiii. Bauner 2010 Executive Summary DenStoraOmställningen.pdf

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 1 april 2015


• Bauner, D. (2010). "Den stora omställningen" ("The great transition"), Dept. of Industrial Dynamics, KTH, TRITA-IEO 2010/01. Executive summary, pp. ix-xiii. Bauner 2010 Executive Summary DenStoraOmställningen.pdf

Februari 2015
VT 2015
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningNational and Global Policy

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

Preparation European Environment Agency (2013), "TERM 2013: Transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe - A closer look at transport".

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

European Environment Agency (2013), "TERM 2013: Transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe - A closer look at transport".

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

European Environment Agency (2013), "TERM 2013: Transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe - A closer look at transport".

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 8 maj 2015

European Environment Agency (2013), "TERM 2013: Transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe - A closer look at transport".

Slides: Lecture National Global Policies JÅ 2015 FINAL.ppt¶

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningUrban and Regional Policy

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 5 maj 2015

* Read: Eriksson 2015 - Urban structure and transport approaches in Sweden

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 7 maj 2015

* Read: Eriksson 2015 - Urban structure and transport approaches in Sweden
Class Materials
* Slides: Urban & Regional Policy.pdf

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 7 maj 2015

Urban and Regional Policy (Franklin)

Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 7 maj 2015

Urban and Regional Policy (Joel Franklin)

* Read: Eriksson 2015 - Urban structure and transport approaches in Sweden
Class Materials
* Slides: Urban & Regional Policy.pdf

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningTransport and Land Use

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 19 mars 2015

Transport and Land UseBiodiversity, Climate and Development (Francis Johnson, SEI)

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 30 april 2015

Slides: Bioenergy, Climate and Development 2015-FXJohnson.pdf¶

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningVehicle Fuels and Technology

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

Vehicle Fuels and TechnologyEnergy Futures

•IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg3/en/ch4.html or http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

Preparation • IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg3/en/ch4.html or http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

• IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg3/en/ch4.html or http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

• IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/ar4/wg3/en/ch4.html or http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 1 april 2015


• IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284

Class Materials

* Slides:

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 1 april 2015


• IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284

Class Materials

* Slides:

* Slides: <a Lecture Energy futures 2015 FINAL.pdf

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 1 april 2015

• IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284 Class Materials
* Slides: <a  Lecture Energy futures 2015 FINAL.pdf

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 8 april 2015

• IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284 Class Materials
* Slides:  Lecture Energy futures 2015 FINAL.pdf

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 17 april 2015

Energy Futures (Jonas Åkerman)

• IPCC (2007), Climate change 2007: Working Group III: Mitigation of Climate Change, Chapter 4: Energy Supply, http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar4/wg3/ar4-wg3-chapter4.pdf, pp. 272-284 Class Materials
* Slides:  Lecture Energy futures 2015 FINAL.pdf