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Backcasting and sustainable transport systems (Jonas Åkerman)

Tid: Fredag 17 april 2015 kl 10:00 - 12:00 2015-04-17T10:00:00 2015-04-17T12:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
VT 2015

Plats: Q17

Aktivitet: Föreläsning

Studentgrupper: THSSM_1, TTGTM_1



  • Åkerman, J. et al (2007), Scenarios for the Swedish energy and transport system until 2050 that are consistent with limiting global warming to two degrees. English Summary (The rest of the report is in Swedish), http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer/620-5754-1.pdf, pp. 13-17.

  • Åkerman (2011), Transport systems meeting climate targets, PhD thesis, Dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, KTH, TRITA-SOM 2011-01.

Transport systems meeting climate targets.pdf

Slides: Lecture Backcasting and sustainable transport 2015 FINAL.pdf

Schemahandläggare skapade händelsen 24 februari 2015
Lärare Joel Franklin redigerade 9 mars 2015

FöreläsningEnvironmental Analysis: SEA and EIA

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 13 mars 2015

Environmental Analysis: SEA and EIAGuest Lecturer/Backcasting

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 16 mars 2015

Guest Lecturer/BackcastingHow IT may be used to replace travel

• Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., 2004. De-materialising and re-materialising:digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (2004) 903–920.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 14 april 2015

How IT may be used to replace travelBackcasting and sustainable transport systems

• Berkhout, F., Hertin, J., 2004. De-materialising and re-material* Åkerman, J. et al (2007), Scenarios for the Swedish energy and transport system until 2050 that are consistent with limiting global warming to two degrees. English Summary (The rest of the report is ing:digital technologies and the environment. Futures 36 (2004) 903–920. Swedish), http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer/620-5754-1.pdf, pp. 13-17.

* Åkerman (2011), Transport systems meeting climate targets, PhD thesis, Dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, KTH, TRITA-SOM 2011-01.

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 14 april 2015

* Åkerman, J. et al (2007), Scenarios for the Swedish energy and transport system until 2050 that are consistent with limiting global warming to two degrees. English Summary (The rest of the report is in Swedish), http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer/620-5754-1.pdf, pp. 13-17.

* Åkerman (2011), Transport systems meeting climate targets, PhD thesis, Dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, KTH, TRITA-SOM 2011-01.
Transport systems meeting climate targets.pdf¶

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 17 april 2015

* Åkerman, J. et al (2007), Scenarios for the Swedish energy and transport system until 2050 that are consistent with limiting global warming to two degrees. English Summary (The rest of the report is in Swedish), http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Documents/publikationer/620-5754-1.pdf, pp. 13-17.

* Åkerman (2011), Transport systems meeting climate targets, PhD thesis, Dept. of Urban Planning and Environment, KTH, TRITA-SOM 2011-01.
Transport systems meeting climate targets.pdf

Slides: Lecture Backcasting and sustainable transport 2015 FINAL.pdf¶

Lärare Jonas Åkerman redigerade 17 april 2015

Backcasting and sustainable transport systems (Jonas Åkerman)

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