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Vecka 45 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 5 nov 09:00-12:00 Registration and lecture: introduction to Social-ecological justice
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: L44

Teachers: Ulrika Gunnarsson Östling, Åsa Svenfelt, and Åsa Nyblom (course assistant)

Tis 5 nov 13:00-16:00 Time for writing seminar assignment 1
HT 2013 TMS
Tors 7 nov 09:00-12:00 Lecture and discussion seminar 1: Environmental justice in theory and practice
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: Q15

Teacher: Ulrika Gunnarsson Östling

Tors 7 nov 13:00-16:00 Lecture: From Alta to Gállok(Kallak): Academic and activist perspectives on Indigenous Peoples - Sámi - struggles for lands and waters, memory, history, relations and sustainable futures in Sábme (land of the Sámi).
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: V12

Teacher: May-Britt Öhman, PhD, Research fellow at Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University. Bio: Project leader of research project: Rivers, Resistance, Resilience: Sustainable Futures in Sápmi and in other Indigenous Peoples’ Territories (FORMAS 2013-2016). Also: (Forest/Lule) Sami, Member of board, Silbonah Samesijdda, of UPPSAM, member of board of the National Association of Swedish Saami (SSR), deputy member of Swedish Sámi Parliament


Vecka 46 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 12 nov 09:00-12:00 Lecture and discussion seminar 2: Enviromental justice and use and distribution of natural resources
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: M37

Teacher: Åsa Svenfelt. During the lecture I will bring up examples of how unequal resource consumption and distribution of the same, are related to environmental justice. I will also bring up some examples of driving forces for natural resource management problems. 

Tis 12 nov 13:00-16:00 Lecture: CSR and enviromental justice aspects of consumption
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: E51

Teacher: Henrik Lindholm, PhD student in Risk philosophy at KTH. He will talk about how companies work with CSR in the supply chain and challenges that remain. Before Henrik began his doctoral studies , he worked at the International Organization Fair Wear Foundation with factory controls with respect to working conditions. Henry has also worked for the Fair Trade Center. 

Tors 14 nov 09:00-12:00 Lecture and discussion seminar 3: Climate justice
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: V21

This lecture will start with a discussion seminar on climate justice led by Ulrika Gunnarsson Östling, followed by guest lecturer Jörgen Larsson from Chalmers presenting a case study from Gothenburg, Sweden. His lecture has the title “Low-carbon Gothenburg. Technological potentials and lifestyle changes”

Teachers: Ulrika Gunnarsson-Östling & Jörgen Larsson, Chalmers

Tors 14 nov 13:00-16:00 Lecture and workshop: Tying together the concepts of ecosystem support and environmental justice
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: V33

Teachers: Ulrika Gunnarsson-Östling and Åsa Svenfelt

Vecka 47 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 19 nov 09:00-12:00 A day on environmental justice in the mining sector, including seminar 4
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: L52

9.15 - 9.30 Introduction to the day (Åsa, Ulrika and Åsa)

9.30 - 10.30 We will see the film Toxic playground, about Boliden and toxic mining waste in Chile

10.30 - 11.00 Break

11.00 - 11.30  Frida Sundkvist, journalist at DI (Dagens Industri) will tell us about the case of establishing a mine in Pajala and the processes of the environmental trial of this activity. Frida has investigated and written an article about this on behalf of "Miljöaktuellt".

11.30 - 12.00 Discussion

12.00 Lunch break

Tis 19 nov 13:00-16:00 A day on environmental justice in the mining sector, including seminar 4
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: B1

13.15-14.00 Markus Nyström, who participated during the Kallak/Gállok protest will present what happened and discuss and analyse different perspectives on the reasons behind the events. Markus Nyström is presently a masters student in environmental history at Uppsala University, Sweden and has for several years worked as a course coordinator and editor at the Center for Environment and Development Studies (CEMUS) at Uppsala university. 

14.00-14.15 Break

14.15-15.00 Charlotta Faith-Ell will give a presentation on social consequence analysis in the mining sector. Charlotta is a PhD from KTH. She works at WSP Sweden and is also a researcher at the land and water management group at KTH. She is experienced in social and environmental impact assessments and has had particular focus on the mining sector.

15.00-15.15 Break

15.15-16.00 Discussion seminar 4, on social ecological justice in the mining sector. 

Tors 21 nov 09:00-12:00 Time for writing home exam - literature assignment LIT 1
HT 2013 TMS
Tors 21 nov 13:00-16:00 Time for writing home exam - literature assignment LIT 1
HT 2013 TMS
Fre 22 nov 17:00-18:00 Deadline for handing in home exam (LIT1)
HT 2013 TMS
Anmärkning: Hand in home exam
Vecka 48 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 26 nov 09:00-12:00 Home exam discussion seminar
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: M37

During the seminar you will discuss the home exam with each other in small groups in order to recieve feedback on your own work and possibly improve it.

We will use the last 30 minutes to make a small "mid-course meating" and discuss what has been good and bad so far, and what could still be improved in the course.

Teacher: Åsa Nyblom

Tis 26 nov 13:00-16:00 Kick off of project work
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: E36
Tors 28 nov 09:00-12:00 Project work
HT 2013 TMS
Tors 28 nov 13:00-16:00 Project work
HT 2013 TMS
Vecka 49 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 3 dec 09:00-12:00 Project work supervision
HT 2013 TMS

Place: Seminar room plan 2 in L-house, Drottning Kristinas väg 30

9-10.30 (ca) Discussion on methodology and the research (sub-) questions for the different cases. Teacher: Åsa N

10.30 - 12 (ca) Discussion on report disposition and writing. Teachers: Åsa S and Ulrika 

Tis 3 dec 13:00-16:00 Project work supervision
HT 2013 TMS

Place: Seminar room plan 2 (at Urban and Regional Studies), in L-house, Drottning Kristinas väg 30.

Due to limited access into the corridor - please be on time!

Tors 5 dec 09:00-12:00 Project work
HT 2013 TMS



Tors 5 dec 13:00-16:00 Project work
HT 2013 TMS
Vecka 50 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 10 dec 09:00-12:00 Project work
HT 2013 TMS
Tis 10 dec 13:00-16:00 Project work
HT 2013 TMS
Tors 12 dec 09:00-12:00 Project work supervision
HT 2013 TMS

Seminar room plan 2.

A first draft of the project should be presented and discussed at this seminar. At the seminar, you will receive feedback from fellow students and teachers.

Tors 12 dec 13:00-16:00 Project work
HT 2013 TMS

Seminar room plan 2

Fre 13 dec 17:00-18:00 No deadline anymore!
HT 2013 TMS
Anmärkning: Hand in project work tasks
Vecka 51 2013 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 17 dec 09:00-12:00 Project work seminar. 10-12. In the seminar room, 2nd floor, Drottning Kristinas väg 30
HT 2013 TMS




Tis 17 dec 13:00-16:00 Project work
HT 2013 TMS
Tors 19 dec 09:00-12:00 Project work seminar
HT 2013 TMS
Plats: V12


Tors 19 dec 13:00-16:00 Project work seminar and course evaluation. In the seminar room, 2nd floor, Drottning Kristinas väg 30
HT 2013 TMS


Tors 19 dec 17:00-18:00 Deadline for handing in revised project work tasks
HT 2013 TMS
Anmärkning: Hand in revised project work tasks
Vecka 2 2014 Visa i Mitt schema
Tis 7 jan 09:00-12:00 Time for writing individual reflective text of project work
HT 2013 TMS
Anmärkning: Eget arbete
Tis 7 jan 13:00-16:00 Time for writing individual reflective text of project work
HT 2013 TMS
Anmärkning: Eget arbete
Tors 9 jan 09:00-12:00 Time for writing individual reflective text of project work
HT 2013 TMS
Anmärkning: Eget arbete
Tors 9 jan 13:00-16:00 Time for writing individual reflective text of project work
HT 2013 TMS
Anmärkning: Eget arbete
Fre 10 jan 17:00-18:00 Deadline for handing in individual reflective text of project work
HT 2013 TMS
Anmärkning: Hand in reflective text