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Ecosystem support and environmental justice: projects 2017

In this page some of the outcomes of the students project work is published. The aim for the project was to analyse for example a case, a policy, a plan or a product from the course perspectives and also propose suggestions for how to implement social-ecological justice principles.

Group: SDG and food

Claudius Mpofu, Diana Jonsson, Gavin Lewis, & Mona Date

Podcast on the sustainable development goal food and social ecological justice

Group: Degrowth

Yufan Zhang, Qi Wang, Annika Rieke Schmidt, Sanna Moliis, Elin Lundgren

Podcast on justice related to basic income

Group: 2 sust consumption¶

Chao Chen, Petter Olson, Christos Paraskevopoulos and Supritha Vijayakumar¶

Policy analysis brief: Seafood consumption and environmental justice“Evolution of EU-West Africa Fishery Policies: Aresocial-ecological justice issues addressed?¶