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Vecka 43 2012 Visa i Mitt schema

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Mån 22 okt 09:00-12:00 Lecture 1/Föreläsning 1
HT 2012
Plats: V33

Explanation of the AF2901 course program, course material and exercises.

Introduction to the topic of highway and railway engineering.

Mån 22 okt 13:00-17:00 Exercise 1/ Övning
HT 2012
Plats: V33

Exercise 1 entails the calculation of fatigue and rutting in a road structure. Participation is mandatory, deadline for handing in the exercise is November 29th.

Ons 24 okt 09:00-12:00 Lecture 2 / Föreläsning 2
HT 2012
Plats: B2

Geometric design of roads and railways.

Ons 24 okt 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 1/Övning 2- part 1
HT 2012
Plats: L52

Exercise 2 spans over 5 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road. Participation is mandatory.

Vecka 44 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 29 okt 09:00-12:00 Lecture 3/Föreläsning 3
HT 2012
Plats: B2

Geometric design of roads.

Mån 29 okt 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 2/Övning 2- part 2
HT 2012
Plats: Projekth (Projekthallen)

Exercise 2 spans over 5 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road. Participation is mandatory.

Ons 31 okt 09:00-12:00 Lecture 4/ Föreläsning 4
HT 2012
Plats: Projekth (Projekthallen)

Introduction to railway track engineering

Ons 31 okt 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 3/Övning 2- part 3
HT 2012
Plats: Projekth (Projekthallen)

Exercise 2 spans over 5 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road. Participation is mandatory.

Vecka 45 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 5 nov 09:00-12:00 Lecture 5 / Föreläsning 5
HT 2012
Plats: B25

Traffic and load volume

Mån 5 nov 13:00-17:00 Lecture 6/ Föreläsning 6
HT 2012
Plats: B25

Explanation of the Asphalt Institute design procedure:

Introduction to pavement design, input data, performance criteria, performance relationship, design method, and examples.

Ons 7 nov 09:00-12:00 Lecture 7/ Föreläsning 7
HT 2012
Plats: B2

Explanation of the AASHTO design procedure:

AASHO Road Test, performance measurements, structural number, design inputs, design methodology, and examples.

Ons 7 nov 13:00-17:00 Exercise 3 / Övning 3
HT 2012
Plats: V34

Exercise on using the AASHTO design procedure. Participation is mandatory. Deadline for handing in the exercise: November 14th.

Vecka 46 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 12 nov 09:00-12:00 Lecture 8/ Föreläsning 8
HT 2012
Plats: Projekth (Projekthallen)

Part 1: On the importance of rocks and aggregates in the road structure. Rocks and aggregates, foundation of society, the most commonly used engineered construction material: production and specifications

Part 2: Flexible pavement stress analysis.

Mån 12 nov 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 4/Övning 2- part 4 (Note: 2 rooms!)
HT 2012
Plats: B24

Exercise 2 spans over 5 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road. Participation is mandatory.

Mån 12 nov 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 4/Övning 2- part 4 (Note: 2 rooms!)
HT 2012
Plats: B25

Exercise 2 spans over 5 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road. Participation is mandatory

Vecka 47 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 19 nov 09:00-12:00 Föreläsning
HT 2012
Plats: Projekth (Projekthallen)
Mån 19 nov 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 5/Övning 2- part 5 (Note: 2 rooms!)
HT 2012
Plats: B24

Exercise 2 spans over 6 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road.Participation is mandatory.

Mån 19 nov 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 5/Övning 2- part 5 (Note: 2 rooms!)
HT 2012
Plats: B25

Exercise 2 spans over 6 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road.Participation is mandatory

Ons 21 nov 09:00-12:00 Lecture 10/ Föreläsning 10
HT 2012
Plats: V1

Demonstration on backcalculation

Ons 21 nov 13:00-17:00 Exercise 4/ Övning 4
HT 2012
Plats: V32

Excersize on backcalculation. Participation is mandatory.

Vecka 48 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 26 nov 09:00-12:00 Föreläsning
HT 2012
Plats: Projekth (Projekthallen)
Mån 26 nov 13:00-17:00 Excersize 5/ Övning 5
HT 2012
Plats: B25, Projekth (Projekthallen)

PASS exercise. Participation is mandatory. Deadline for handing in the exercise: 3 December

Ons 28 nov 09:00-12:00 Lecture 12/ Föreläsning 12
HT 2012
Plats: B2

On rigid pavement design:

Introduction, effective modulus of subgrade reaction, loss of support, drainage, input variables, methodology, other design features, and examples.

Ons 28 nov 13:00-17:00 Exercise 6/ Övning 6
HT 2012
Plats: L52

Laboratory exercise. Participation is mandatory.

Location: Outside Projekthallen

Vecka 49 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Mån 3 dec 09:00-12:00 Föreläsning
HT 2012
Plats: Projekth (Projekthallen)
Mån 3 dec 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 6/Övning 2- part 6 (Note: Sign up in Wiki)
HT 2012
Plats: B24

Exercise 2 spans over 6 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road. Participation is mandatory.

Mån 3 dec 13:00-17:00 Exercise 2- part 6/Övning 2- part 6 (Note: Sign up in Wiki)
HT 2012
Plats: B25

Exercise 2 spans over 6 afternoons and entails the geometric design of a road. Participation is mandatory.

Vecka 50 2012 Visa i Mitt schema
Fre 14 dec 09:00-13:00 Tentamen
HT 2012
Plats: B22, B23
Fre 14 dec 09:00-13:00 Tentamen
HT 2012
Plats: B25, B26