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Project leader: Jonas Åkerman

TRANSFORUM is a FP7-project that focuses on how to realise four of the ten goals in the White paper “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area -Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system”. The consortium consists of eleven partners from eight countries. The aim is to outline Roadmaps for achieving these goals and to formulate Policy recommendations to the European Commission and other key actors. To arrive at well grounded recommendations we have carried out a series of workshops with key experts in each of the four areas. 

Titel Datum
Beyond GDP-growth – Scenarios for sustainable building and planning 2016‑05‑02
PRINCE – Policy relevant indicators for national consumption and the environment 2016‑05‑03
Red Mud – European Training Network for Zero-Waste Valorisation of Bauxite Residue 2016‑05‑03
Shared values of ecosystem services 2016‑05‑03
SPEAK – Sustainable Planning and Environmental Assessment Knowledge 2016‑05‑03
Renewing a New City 2015‑03‑02
FORMAS Miljöstyrning renovering 244-2012-248 2015‑05‑22
FORMAS Gröna fastigheter 2011-224 2015‑05‑22
FORMAS HEALTHY GROWTH 2012-1937 2015‑03‑02
Nordic power road map 2050: Strategic choices towards carbon neutrality 2015‑03‑02
CIVIS STEM 2013-005720 2015‑03‑02
VINNOVA JOSE POTTING DNR 2010-02067 2015‑05‑19
EU-TRANSFORUM 321565 2015‑03‑01
Scenarios with a life-cycle perspective - Decision support for strategic choices in transport 2015‑03‑01
Innovative parking and mobility solutions in climate friendly cities 2015‑03‑01
FORMAS 2007-2063 Strategier för minskad klimatpåverkan 2015‑03‑02
CESC STEM Tjänster hållbara livsstilar 2015‑03‑02
Economic Assessment for the Environment 2010‑05‑06
Environmental Management in the Planning and Building Design Processes 2015‑03‑02