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Courses within the doctoral program in Applied Physics

 Fall 2023

Course code Course name Credits Study period Teacher
FSK3532 Biomedicin for Engineers 7.5 hp P1

Marina Zelenina and
Hjalmar Brismar


Luminescence Spectroscopy of Semiconductors: Theory and Experiment

7.5 hp P1

Ilya Sytjugov


Superconductivity and applications 6 hp, P2

6.0 hp P2

Magnus Andersson



8 hp P2

Fredrik Laurell


Physics of Biomedical Microscopy 6 hp, p2

6 hp P2

Anna Burvall


Physics of Biomedical Microscopy, Extended Course 

7.5 hp P2

Anna Burvall

Spring 2024 

Course code Course Credits Study period Teacher

X-ray Physics and Applications

7.5 hp P3 Ulrich Vogt
FSK3404 Laser Physics 7.5 hp P3 Valdas Pasiskevicius

New Super-resolution, Light-sheet, STED-FCS and FRET-FCS methods at Scilifelab

3.0 hp P4

Stefan Wennmalm


Colloids and Collodial Principles for Industrial Applications

7.5 hp P4 Fei Ye

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A list of all courses at doctoral level, including courses that are not currently offered by the SCI school, can be found here: All SCI school courses at doctoral level  - Please note that links take you to KTH's central pages

Doctoral courses per school - KTH's courses at doctoral level - Please note that the link takes you to KTH's central pages