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Workshop for SSF financed project on hydrogen

Published Jul 04, 2022

A three day workshop for SSF financed project on hydrogen will be held at KTH in September 2022.


Electrolysis for Hydrogen as Energy Carrier

Materials Enabling Efficient and Cost-Effective Fuel Cells

PUSH – Production, Use and Storage of Hydrogen


September 26 at 13.00-19.00 including poster session with evening snacks

September 27 at 9.00-17.00 followed by dinner

September 28 at 9.00-12.00


Gradängsalen, Teknikringen 1 floor 4, KTH, Stockholm


Lectures and posters presenting research results.

Invited international speakers.

  • Open for project participants, invited industrial partners, invited PhD students and postdocs doing hydrogen related research but not financed by the SSF projects above (also welcome to present posters).

  • Free of charge to attend.

  • An email with sign up for attendance will be sent out in the second half of August. A “no-show” fee will apply for anyone signing up but not attending.


Ann Cornell, Carina Lagergren and Göran Lindbergh