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Focus area 3: Hydrogen conversion in fuel cells

In PUSH, the use of hydrogen in advanced proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) operating at enhanced temperatures, and primary for use in the transport sector, are in focus.

The use of hydrogen and fuel cells in the transport sector is still in an early state. Buses, passenger cars, trucks and trains based on fuel cells are being commercialised. The potential in maritime and aviation is huge, and possible large application areas. Stationary fuel cells powered by hydrogen can find multiple roles in combined heat and power (CHP) systems for buildings. However, hydrogen is already today used in large quantities in the chemical industry, and access to renewable sources will be essential to decarbonate this sector. The steel and cement industry are other sectors where hydrogen could be key to decarbonisation.

In PUSH, the use of hydrogen in advanced proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) operating at enhanced temperatures, and primary for use in the transport sector, are in focus.