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Zoé Barjot

Profile picture of Zoé Barjot

Doctoral student




Researcher ID

About me

I am a PhD student at the division Sustainability Assessment and Management (SAM)  at SEED.  I work with Whole Life Carbon Assessments of buildings, focusing on maintenance and renovation practices, and investigate on the use of Life Cycle Assessment-based regulations and their practical implications. My supervisors are Tove Malmqvist(main supervisor) and Mattias Höjer. We are all part of the Seed's Sustainable Building Lab.

I am involved in an E2B2 project funded by the Swedish energy agency named Kunskapssyntes om svenska byggnaders klimatpåverkan for which we work both with a wide range of real case building sample for new construction and renovations in Sweden. We conduct quantitative analysis, complemented with close contact with industry stakeholders.

The past year, Tove and I have been also involved in the Annex 89 project of the International Energy Agency, focusing on the pathways and actions needed by various stakeholders and decision-makers to implement whole life cycle based net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from buildings in policy and practice.

I am also involved as a PhD representative, taking part in the ABE PhD student council and the PhD chapter of THS, as suh I am part of the ABE school working group for gender equality, diversity and equal treatment issues. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any question or else!

Finally, I am a member of the PhD IMPACT initiative, which organises seminars and workshops to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment, and creating safe spaces for open dialogues about diversity and gender-related matters.


Environmental Aspects of the Built Environment (AG2806), teacher | Course web

Global Development and Political Ecology (AL2121), teacher | Course web

Smart Cities and Climate Mitigation Strategies- Project Based (MJ2685), assistant, teacher | Course web