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Research Funding

·         Project Leader

(1) The Fairness and Efficiency of the Rental Housing Market: Toward Sustainable Urban Development.
Finance: National Nature Science Foundation of China and Swedish STINT Collaborate Project. 2021-2023.

(2) Integrated and Innovated Development of Urban Housing: to Insure Age – friendly Communities.
Finance: Tsinghua -Toronto University Collaborate Project. 2020.

(3) Uncertainty and Its Pass – Through into Housing Market: A Behavior Study Based on Household’s Housing Decision in China.
Finance: National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017 – 2020

(4)  Affordable Housing Demand Forecast and Financial Support.
Finance: Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban – Rural Development, 2016

(5)  Optimizing Care Delivery Models to Support Ageing-in-Place: Towards Autonomy, Affordability and Financial Sustainability.
Finance: National Natural Science Foundation of China and Euro-China UPC project. 2015-2018

(6) Sino – German Electric Vehicle Charging Project: Beijing Residential District
Finance: Germany government and vehicle companies: 2013 – 2016

(7) New City Development
Finance: Real Estate Enterprises: 2012

(8) Effect of House Price on Household Consumption – Perspective from Region and Individual Household.
Finance:National Nature Science Foundation of China, 2011 – 2013

(9)Prompt Development on Affordable Housing. (sub –project leader)
Finance: National Social Science Foundation of China, 2010 – 2012

(10) Demand and Supply of Housing Market in Beijing: A Sub-Project of Twelfth–Five Plan of Beijing.
Finance: Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban – Rural Development, 2010

(11) Housing Price Volatility in Sweden.
Finance: Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), 2002-2004

(12) Risk Performance on the Property Stock Market in Sweden.
Finance: Bank Research Institution (Bankforskningsinstitute), 2000

(13) Stock Market, Direct and Indirect Property Market in Sweden.
Finance: Lars Erik Lundber’s Grants (Lars Erik Lundbergs Stipendiestiftels), 1999

·         Participated Projects

(1) Prompt Development on Affordable Housing.
Finance: National Social Science Foundation of China, 2010-2012

(2) Housing Affordability in China (project coordinator and leading researcher)
Finance: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), 2004 –2006

(3) Trend, Cycle and Bubbles in the Swedish Real Estate Market.
Finance: The Swedish Council for Building Research (Byggforskningsrådet), 1999

(4) Origins of Security and Insecurity (OSIS): Interplay of Housing Systems with Jobs, Household Structures, Finance and Social Security. (leading researcher in Swedish team).
Finance: sponsored by the European Union under its Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge Based Society programme (6th Framework Programme). 2004-2005

(5) Analysis of Construction Cost in the Big Cities.
Finance: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional growth (Verket för näringslivsutveckling), 2007 – 2008

Profile picture of Zan Yang
