Yuqing Ge
Doctoral student
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolanhttps://www.kth.se/profile/yuqingge
Researcher ID
About me
My name is Yuqing Ge (葛雨晴). I am a PhD student working on quantum materials. My interest mainly lies in magnetism, including van der Waals magnet and topological phenomenons like skyrmions. I am studying synthesizing thin films with pulsed laser deposition. Apart from making sample, I also characheterize them with diffraction, spectroscopy and so on, which includes experiments both in labs and large scale fascilities such as synchrontron and neutron sources.
The cat in the profile photo named Bejin (Benjamin) is not mine but my friend's. But, what is important is that I am a good friend with Benji. (I assumed so and I hope he thinks the same)