Yu-Cheng Lu
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolanhttps://www.kth.se/profile/ycl
Om mig
Yu-Cheng is a PhD student in Fluid Mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics. He received his Master degree from the Fluid Track, Engineering Mechanics Program at KTH in 2023 under the KTH scholarship, with his master thesis "Turbulent Boundary Layer Modelling with Deep Operator Networks" (https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1794620/FULLTEXT01.pdf). In 2020, he received his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Yu-Cheng's research focuses on the large-scale numerical simulation on unsteady aerodyanmics and its analysis. Currently, he works on the project about the dynamic stall on vertical-axis wind turbine.
Mekanik I (SG1130), assistent | Kurswebb
Mekanik II (SG1140), assistent | Kurswebb