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Yann Seznec

Profilbild av Yann Seznec




Om mig

I am a PhD student in the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with Rob Comber and Elina Eriksson as supervisors, and I am in the Sustainable Futures Lab team.

My work focuses on sound, interaction design, and sustainability. In my PhD I am looking at constraints-based design, generally focusing on critical approaches to technological interactions for sound and media.

Previously I was Game Designer in Residence at MICA Game Lab in Baltimore, USA for two years. Prior to that I lived for 13 years in Scotland, where I was founder of award-winning creative studio Lucky Frame and lecturer at the University of Abertay Dundee. I worked as a freelance artist and musician, with much of my work involving building custom instruments such as sound-responsive robots, musical pigsties, candle-based sound installations, electromechanical mushroom spore reactors, and more.


Examensarbete i datalogi och datateknik med inriktning mot interaktiv medieteknik, avancerad nivå (DA232X), lärare | Kurswebb

Fysisk interaktionsdesign (DH2400), assistent | Kurswebb

Haptisk och taktil interaktionsteknik (DH2670), assistent | Kurswebb

Hållbarhet och medieteknik (DM2573), lärare | Kurswebb

Multimodala interaktioner och gränssnitt (DT2140), assistent | Kurswebb

Människa-datorinteraktion, inledande kurs (DH1622), lärare | Kurswebb

Mänsklig perception för informationsteknik (DM2350), lärare | Kurswebb

Programutveckling för interaktiva medier (DM1595), lärare | Kurswebb

Sensorprogrammering för medieteknik (DM1588), assistent, lärare | Kurswebb