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EU H2020 MSCA Project NEWMAN

Dr. Xiaodan Pang has been a Marie Curie Research Fellow (Mar. 2018 - Feb. 2020), supported by the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship Grant NEWMAN (no. 752826).


The primary goal of the NEWMAN project is to train a talented researcher with a strong academic background in fibre-optic communication, through a research programme focused on developing next generation wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) technologies, and their usage as a for metro and access optical communication networks. The aimed WDM technologies supporting low-cost low energy consumption are highly desirable, since the number of metro and access links are forecasted to be massive in the next generation networks and will contribute to major portion of total energy consumption of the global network. The success of this project will contribute knowledge to the fields of laser science and fibre-optic technology, and establish an internationally leading position for Europe in the industrial applications relevant to fibre-optic networks.
The Fellow, Dr. Xiaodan Pang, will receive substantial training activities in professional knowledge and skills in the field of WDM systems. In turn, Dr. Pang will also bring his academic frontline research expertise to the industrial development of the field of fiber-optic communication. This will take place at the EU non-academic host (Infinera Metro Business Group R&D HW), and academic secondments to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and ACREO Swedish ICT. This training-through-research project will significantly enhance the Dr. Pang's competence in both academic and applied research areas, establishing him as a leading figure in optical communication research and industry communities that are strongly linked to the European universities and industry. Therefore, the NEWMAN project shows a strong coherence with the Society & Enterprise Panel (EF-SE) of the Marie-Curie Individual Fellowships, which is dedicated to career opportunities for researchers seeking to work on research and innovation projects in non-academic organization.

Publications supported in part by the EU H2020 MSCA NEWMAN Project (No 752826) :  

A selection of recent publications is listed below, partly including their final (pre-print) manuscripts according to the IEEE and OSA open-access agreement:

Peer-reviewed journal papers:

1. (Invited) X. Pang, O. Ozolins, R. Lin, L. Zhang, A. Udalcovs, L. Xue, R. Schatz, U. Westergren, S. Xiao, W. Hu, G. Jacobsen, S. Popov, J. Chen, "200 Gbps/lane IM/DD Technologies for Short Reach Optical Interconnects," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 492-503, Jan.15, 2020. PDF

2. L. Zhang, X. Pang, A. Udalcovs, O. Ozolins, R. Lin, X. Yin, M. Tang, W. Tong, S. Xiao, and J. Chen, "Kernel mapping for mitigating nonlinear impairments in optical short-reach communications," OSA Opt. Express, vol. 27, pp. 29567-29580, 2019. PDF

3. L. Zhang, A. Udalcovs, R. Lin, O. Ozolins, X. Pang, L. Gan, R. Schatz, M. Tang, Songnian Fu, D. Liu, W. Tong, S. Popov, G. Jacobsen, W. Hu, S. Xiao, and J. Chen, "Toward Terabit Digital Radio over Fiber Systems: Architecture and Key Technologies," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 131-137, April 2019. PDF

4. J. Van Kerrebrouck*, X. Pang*, O.Ozolins, R. Lin, A. Udalcovs, L. Zhang, H. Li, S. Spiga, M.C. Amann, L. Gan, M. Tang, S. Fu, R. Schatz, G. Jacobsen, S. Popov, D. Liu, W. Tong, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, J. Chen, X. Yin, “High-speed PAM4-based Optical SDM Interconnects with Directly Modulated Long-wavelength VCSEL,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(2) 356-362 (2019). (* Co-first authorship) PDF

Peer-reviewed conference papers:

1. Ozolins, O.; Zhang, L.; Udalcovs, A.; Louchet, Hadrien; Dippon, T.; Gruen, M.; Pang, X.; Schatz, R.; Westergren, U.; Xiao, S.; Popov, S.; Chen, J.; "100 GBAUD PAM4 LINK WITHOUT EDFA AND POSTEQUALIZATION FOR OPTICAL INTERCONNECTS," The 45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC2019),  Th.2.A.3. PDF

2. Udalcovs, A.; Jia, S.; Zhang, L.; Ozolins, O.; Pang, X.; Kong, D.; Yu, X.; Xiao, S.; Popov, S.; Chen, J.; Morioka, T.; Hu, H.; Oxenloewe, L. K.; "107.1-Gbps Net-Rate Transmission over a Joint 51km-Fibre-and-10.7m-Wireless Link for Terahertz Radio Access Networks," Th.2.C.3. (Top Scored Paper). PDF

3. Zhang, L.; Chen, J.; Udalcovs, A.; Louchet, H.; Dippon, T.; Gruen, M.; Pang, X.; Schatz, R.; Westergren, U.; Popov, S.; Xiao, S.; Ozolins, O.; "Lattice Pilot aided DMT Transmission for Optical Interconnects achieving 5.82-Bits/Hz per Lane," Tu.3.D.4. PDF

4. Zhang, L.; Chen, J.; Udalcovs, A.; Pang, X.; Schatz, R.; Westergren, U.; Popov, S.; Xiao, S.; Ozolins, O.; "Kernel Affine Projection for Compensating Nonlinear Impairments in Optical Direct Detection Systems," The 45th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC2019), 22 - 26 September 2019, Dublin, Ireland, paper P11. PDF

5. Hao Hu, S. Xiao, S. Popov, J. Chen, G. Carpintero, T. Morioka, L. K. Oxenlowe, S. Jia, M.-C. Lo, L. Zhang, O. Ozolins, A. Udalcovs, D. Kong, X. Pang, X. Yu, "Chip Based THz Emitter for Ultra-high Speed THz Wireless Communication," 2019 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, 8-10 July 2019. PDF

6. X. Pang, O. Ozolins, L. Zhang, A. Udalcovs, R. Lin, R. Schatz, U. Westergren, S. Xiao, W. Hu, G. Jacobsen, S. Popov, J. Chen, "Beyond 200 Gbps per Lane Intensity Modulation Direct Detection (IM/DD) Transmissions for Optical Interconnects: Challenges and Recent Developments," Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2019, paper W4I.7. PDF

7. S. Jia, M.-C. Lo, L. Zhang, O. Ozolins, A. Udalcovs, D. Kong, X. Pang, Xianbin Yu, S. Xiao, S. Popov, J. Chen, G. Carpintero, T. Morioka, H. Hu, L. K. Oxenlewe, "Integrated Dual-DFB Laser for 408 GHz Carrier Generation Enabling 131 Gbit/s Wireless Transmission over 10.7 Meters," Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2019, paper Th1C.2. PDF

8. X. Pang, L. Zhang, O. Ozolins, A. Udalcovs, R. Lin, R. Schatz, S. Xiao, W. Hu, S. Popov, G. Jacobsen, J. Chen, "Key technologies to enable terabit-scale digital radio-over-fiber systems," Broadband Access Communication Technologies XIII, SPIE OPTO, 2019, San Francisco, California, United States, 2019. PDF

9. L. Zhang, O. Ozolins, R. Lin, A. Udalcovs, X. Pang, L. Gan, R. Schatz, A. Djupsjobacka, J. Martensson, U. Westergren, M. Tang, S. Fu, D. Liu, W. Tong, S. Popov, G. Jacobsen, W. Hu, S. Xiao, J. Chen, "Kernel Adaptive Filtering for Nonlinearity-Tolerant Optical Direct Detection Systems," in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2018, paper We4F.3. PDF

10. L. Zhang, J. Van Kerrebrouck, O. Ozolins, R. Lin, X. Pang, A. Udalcovs, S. Spiga, M.C. Amann, L. Gan, M. Tang, S. Fu, R. Schatz, G. Jacobsen, S. Popov, D. Liu, W. Tong, G. Torfs, J. Bauwelinck, X. Yin*, S. Xiao, J. Chen, “Experimental Demonstration of 503.61-Gbit/s DMT over 10-km 7-Core Fiber with 1.5-μm SM-VCSEL for Optical Interconnects,” in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2018, paper We2.50. PDF 

11. R. Lin, A. Udalcovs, O. Ozolins, X. Pang, L. Gan, L. Shen, M. Tang, S. Fu, S. Popov, C. Yang, W. Tong, D. Liu, T. Ferreira da Silva, G.B. Xavier, J. Chen, “Telecom Compatibility Validation of Quantum Key Distribution Co-Existing with 112 Gbps/λ/core Data Transmission in Non-Trench and Trench-Assistant Multicore Fibers,” in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2018, paper We1A.3. PDF

12. A. Udalcovs, R. Lin, O. Ozolins, L. Gan, L. Zhang, X. Pang, R. Schatz, A. Djupsjöbacka, M. Tang, S. Fu, D. Liu, W. Tong, S. Popov, G. Jacobsen, J. Chen, “ Inter-Core Crosstalk in Multicore Fibers: Impact on 56-Gbaud/λ/Core PAM-4 Transmission,” in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2018, paper We2.3. PDF

13. O. Ozolins, J. Manuel Estaran, A. Udalcovs, F. Jorge, H. Mardoyan, A. Konczykowska, M. Riet, B. Duval, V. Nodjiadjim, J.-Y. Dupuy, X. Pang, U. Westergren, J. Chen, S. Popov, S. Bigo, “140 Gbaud On-Off Keying Links in C-Band for Short-Reach Optical Interconnects,” in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2018, paper Mo3I.4. PDF

14. L. Zhang, A. Udalcovs, R. Lin, O. Ozolins, X. Pang, L. Gan, R. Schatz, A. Djupsjöbacka, J. Mårtensson, M. Tang, S. Fu, D. Liu, W. Tong, S. Povov, G. Jacobsen, W. Hu, S. Xiao, J. Chen, “Digital Radio-over-Multicore-Fiber System with Self-Homodyne Coherent Detection and Entropy Coding for Mobile Fronthaul,” in Proc. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2018, paper Th2.66. PDF

15. X. Pang, O. Ozolins, J. Rodrigo Navarro, A. Udalcovs, A. Kakkar, R. Lin, R. Schatz, M. Tang, S. Fu, D. Liu, G. Jacobsen, S. Popov, J. Chen, “Low-Complexity Digital Signal Processing Techniques to Enable Coherent Optical Systems for Metro and Access Networks,” OptoElectronics and Communications Conference and Photonics in Switching (OECC), ICC Jeju, Korea, 2018. PDF