Publikationer av Per Wennhage
J. Larsson, P. Göransson och P. Wennhage, "A topology and sizing optimisation method for lightweight sandwich structures subject to dynamic and static constraints," Composite structures, vol. 348, 2024.
S. Eliasson et al., "Numerical fatigue assessment of a cross-ply carbon fiber laminate using a probabilistic framework," Composites Part B : Engineering, vol. 281, 2024.
S. Eliasson et al., "Probabilistic fatigue strength assessment of cross-ply laminates : Exploring effects of manufacturing defects through a two-scale modeling approach," Composite structures, vol. 330, 2024.
J. Larsson, P. Göransson och P. Wennhage, "A sequential mixed-integer programming method for concurrent optimization of core topology and face sheet thickness of a sandwich beam," Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, vol. 25, no. 6, s. 666-686, 2023.
S. Eliasson et al., "A Statistical Porosity Characterization Approach of Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Material Using Optical Microscopy and Neural Network," Materials, vol. 15, no. 19, 2022.
S. Eliasson et al., "An Experimentally Based Micromechanical Framework Exploring Effects of Void Shape on Macromechanical Properties," Materials, vol. 15, no. 12, s. 4361, 2022.
J. Larsson, P. Wennhage och P. Göransson, "Mass minimization with conflicting dynamic constraints by topology optimization using sequential integer programming," Finite elements in analysis and design (Print), vol. 200, s. 103683, 2022.
R. L. Giossi et al., "Towards the realization of an innovative rail vehicle - active ride comfort control," Control Engineering Practice, vol. 129, 2022.
C. J. Cameron et al., "Bearing strength performance of mixed thin/thick-ply, quasi-isotropic composite laminates," Composite structures, vol. 261, 2021.
M. Iftimiciuc et al., "Structural Performance Analysis of a Novel Pyramidal Cellular Core Obtained through a Mechanical Expansion Process," Materials, vol. 13, no. 19, 2020.
C. J. O'Reilly et al., "Life-cycle energy optimisation : A proposed methodology for integrating environmental considerations early in the vehicle engineering design process," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 135, s. 750-759, 2016.
S. Poulikidou et al., "A material selection approach to evaluate material substitution for minimizing the life cycle environmental impact of vehicles," Materials & design, vol. 83, s. 704-712, 2015.
D. Wennberg, S. Stichel och P. Wennhage, "Finite difference adaptation of the decomposition of layered composite structures on irregular grid," Journal of composite materials, vol. 48, no. 20, s. 2427-2439, 2014.
M. N. Velea, P. Wennhage och D. Zenkert, "Multi-objective optimisation of vehicle bodies made of FRP sandwich structures," Composite structures, vol. 111, s. 75-84, 2014.
C. J. Cameron et al., "On the balancing of structural and acoustic performance of a sandwich panel based on topology, property, and size optimization," Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 333, no. 13, s. 2677-2698, 2014.
D. Wennberg, S. Stichel och P. Wennhage, "Substitution of corrugated sheets in a railway vehicle's body structure by a multiple-requirement based selection process," Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part F, journal of rail and rapid transit, vol. 228, no. 2, s. 143-157, 2014.
D. Wennberg, S. Stichel och P. Wennhage, "Benefits of weight reduction in high speed train operations," ZEV rail Glaser Annalen, vol. 137, no. 3, s. 77-87, 2013.
D. Wennberg, S. Stichel och P. Wennhage, "Optimisation of sandwich panels for the load carrying structure of high-speed rail vehicles," International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, vol. 2, no. 1, s. 19-40, 2012.
M. N. Velea, P. Wennhage och S. Lache, "Out-of-plane effective shear elastic properties of a novel cellular core for sandwich structures," Materials and Design, vol. 36, s. 679-686, 2012.
D. Wennberg, P. Wennhage och S. Stichel, "Orthotropic models of corrugated sheets in finite element analysis," Mechanical engineering (New York, N.Y. 1919), 2011.
M. Kaufmann, D. Zenkert och P. Wennhage, "Integrated cost/weight optimization of aircraft structures," Structural and multidisciplinary optimization (Print), vol. 41, no. 2, s. 325-334, 2010.
C. J. Cameron, P. Wennhage och P. Göransson, "Prediction of NVH behaviour of trimmed body components in the frequency range 100-500 Hz," Applied Acoustics, vol. 71, no. 8, s. 708-721, 2010.
C. J. Cameron et al., "Structural-acoustic Design of a Multi-functional Sandwich Panel in an Automotive Context," Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, vol. 12, no. 6, s. 684-708, 2010.
H. Kolsters och P. Wennhage, "Optimisation of laser-welded sandwich panels with multiple design constraints," Marine Structures, vol. 22, no. 2, s. 154-171, 2009.
C. J. Cameron et al., "Proposal of a Methodology for Multidisciplinary Design of Multifunctional Vehicle Structures including an Acoustic Sensitivity Study," International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, vol. 1, no. 1-3, s. 3-15, 2009.
P. Wennhage, "Weight optimization of large scale sandwich structures with acoustic and mechanical constraints," Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, vol. 5, no. 3, s. 253-266, 2003.
P. Wennhage, "Weight optimization of sandwich panel with acoustic constraints, experimental verification," Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, vol. 4, no. 4, s. 353-365, 2002.
K. Iyer, P. Wennhage och M. Åkermo, "Life-cycle Assessment of a Composite Railway bogie frame," i 31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, LCE 2024, 2024, s. 988-993.
K. Shahrezaei et al., "Enhancement of fatigue life modeling using a metamodel-based global sensitivity analysis framework," i Fatigue Design 2023, FatDes 2023, 2023, s. 711-717.
J. Larsson, P. Göransson och P. Wennhage, "Mass minimization of load carrying sandwich structures subjected to dynamic loads by concurrent optimization of core topology and face sheet thickness," i Proceedings of ISMA 2022 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2022 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2022, s. 3526-3538.
R. Mariani et al., "WIND TUNNEL TEST OF A BLENDED WING BODY UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE," i 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2022, 2022, s. 2711-2721.
R. L. Giossi et al., "Active Modal Control of an Innovative Two-Axle Vehicle with Composite Frame Running Gear," i IAVSD 2021 : Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks II, 2021, s. 8-17.
S. Eliasson et al., "Fatigue and Damage Assessment of CFRP Material Using Digital Image Correlation," i 9th International Conference on Fatigue Design, Fatigue Design 2021 : Proceedings, 2021, s. 631-639.
N. Shetye et al., "Life-Cycle Energy Analysis of a High Strength Steel Heavy Vehicle Component Subjected to Fatigue Loading," i Procedia Structural Integrity, 2021, s. 538-545.
S. Eliasson et al., "Development of fatigue testing procedure for unidirectional carbon fiber composites," i Procedia Structural Integrity, 2019, s. 81-89.
T. B. C. Braz et al., "Thick ply versus thin ply composite laminate stiffened panel buckling and post-buckling behavior," i ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials, 2017.
E. Lundberg et al., "Comparison of two different simplified micro structures for calculating flow resistivity of anisotropic open cell porous foams.," i International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD2016 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2016, s. 485-499.
E. Lundberg et al., "Predicted and measured anisotropic acoustic and elastic properties for open cell porous material and their influence on typical train applications," i EURONOISE 2015, 2015.
O. Wallmark et al., "Design and implementation of an experimental research and concept demonstration vehicle," i 2014 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2014, 2014.
C. Cameron et al., "Balancing structural and acoustic performance of sandwich panels for vehicle applications with topology, property, and size optimization," i 7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials 2010, ACCM 2010, 2010, s. 835-838.
M. Kaufmann, D. Zenkert och P. Wennhage, "Integrated cost/weight optimization of composite skin/stringer elements," i Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Composite Materials, 2007, s. 325-334.
Icke refereegranskade
D. Wennberg, S. Stichel och P. Wennhage, "Cutting the Weight of High-Speed Trains," Railway Gazette International, vol. 167, no. 1, s. 30-32, 2011.
S. Tyskeng et al., "Ecological and economical Critera in Vehicle Design : Taking on the challenge," Public Service Review: European Union, no. 19, 2009.
S. Tyskeng et al., "Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design : vehicle design research for more environmentally friendly and economically competitive vehicles," The Vehicle Component, SVENartikel, 2008.
J. Larsson et al., "A life cycle energy driven concurrent optimization of core topology and face sheet thickness of a sandwich beam," i Proceedings of the 6th Brazilian Conference on Composite Materials, 2022, s. 43-48.
S. Eliasson et al., "A life cycle energy and weight comparison of a carbon fibercomposite versus metallic component in a commercial vehicle," i A life cycle energy and weight comparison of a carbon fibercomposite versus metallic component in a commercialvehicle, 2021.
J. Larsson, P. Göransson och P. Wennhage, "Topological core design of multifunctional sandwich structures," i Proceedings of the Resource Efficient Vehicles Conference - 2021 (rev2021), 2021.
C. J. O'Reilly et al., "Life-cycle energy optimisation for sustainable vehicle design," i FISITA World Automotive Congress, 2014.
S. Poulikidou et al., "Integration of environmental aspects in product design and development : An interview study of vehicle manufacturers in Sweden," i 19th International Product Development Management Conference, Manchester UK, June 2012, 2012.
D. Wennberg, P. Wennhage och S. Stichel, "Selection of sandwich panels for the load carrying structure of high-speed rail vehicles," i 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS16). Porto, Portugal. 28-30 June 2011, 2011.
D. Wennberg, S. Stichel och P. Wennhage, "Modeling corrugated sheet with orthotropic properties and the effect of stiffened panels on a rail vehicle’s natural frequencies and modes," i 16:e nordiska seminariet i järnvägsteknik, 2010.
C. J. Cameron et al., "Material Property Steered Optimization of a Multifunctional Body Panel to Structural and Acoustic Constraints," i Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, 2009.
C. Cameron, P. Wennhage och P. Göransson, "Multi-Scale Structural-Acoustic Optimization of a Multi-Functional Vehicle Body Panel," i Nordic Seminar on Computional mechanics NSCM-22. Aalborg, Denmark. October 21-23 2009, 2009.
A. Stensson Trigell et al., "ECO2 Vehicle Design : an initiative for a holistic perspective on future vehicle concepts," i TRA 2008. Ljubljana, Slovenia. April 21-24, 2008, 2008.
C. J. Cameron et al., "Structural : acoustic Design of a Multi-functional Sandwich Body Panel for Automotive Applications," i Proceedingsof the 8th International Conference on Sandwich Structures, 2008, s. 896-907.
D. Zenkert, S. Hallström och P. Wennhage, "Higher education in sandwich structures," i 6th International Conference on Sandwich Construction, 2003.
Proceedings (redaktörskap)
"Proceedings of the Resource Efficient Vehicles Conference - 2021 (rev2021)," , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2021.
J. Larsson, P. Göransson och P. Wennhage, "A topology and sizing optimisation method for lightweight sandwich structures subject to dynamic and static constraints," (Manuskript).
C. J. Cameron et al., "Material Property Steered Structural and Acoustic Optimization of a Multifunctional Vehcile Body Panel," (Manuskript).
S. Eliasson et al., "Numerical fatigue assessment of carbon fiber reinforced polymers using a probabilistic framework," (Manuskript).
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