Publikationer av Tony Lindeberg
Lindeberg, T. (2024). A time-causal and time-recursive analogue of the Gabor transform. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1-31.
Lindeberg, T. (2024). Discrete approximations of Gaussian smoothing and Gaussian derivatives. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 66(5), 759-800.
Lindeberg, T. (2023). A time-causal and time-recursive scale-covariant scale-space representation of temporal signals and past time. Biological Cybernetics, 117(1-2), 21-59.
Lindeberg, T. (2023). Covariance properties under natural image transformations for the generalized Gaussian derivative model for visual receptive fields. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 17, 1189949-1-1189949-23.
Maki, A., Kragic, D., Kjellström, H., Azizpour, H., Sullivan, J., Björkman, M. ... Sundblad, Y. (2022). In Memoriam : Jan-Olof Eklundh. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 44(9), 4488-4489.
Lindeberg, T. (2022). Scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 64(3), 223-242.
Jansson, Y. & Lindeberg, T. (2022). Scale-invariant scale-channel networks : Deep networks that generalise to previously unseen scales. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 64(5), 506-536.
Lindeberg, T. (2021). Normative theory of visual receptive fields. Heliyon, 7(1), e05897-1-e05897-20.
Lindeberg, T. (2020). Provably scale-covariant continuous hierarchical networks based on scale-normalized differential expressions coupled in cascade. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 62(1), 120-148.
Lindeberg, T. (2018). Dense scale selection over space, time and space-time. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 11(1), 407-441.
Jansson, Y. & Lindeberg, T. (2018). Dynamic texture recognition using time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 60(9), 1369-1398.
Friberg, A., Lindeberg, T., Hellwagner, M., Helgason, P., Salomão, G. L., Elowsson, A. ... Ternström, S. (2018). Prediction of three articulatory categories in vocal sound imitations using models for auditory receptive fields. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3), 1467-1483.
Lindeberg, T. (2018). Spatio-temporal scale selection in video data. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 60(4), 525-562.
Lindeberg, T. (2017). Temporal scale selection in time-causal scale space. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 58(1), 57-101.
Lindeberg, T. (2016). Time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 55(1), 50-88.
Lindeberg, T. & Friberg, A. (2015). Idealized computational models for auditory receptive fields. PLOS ONE, 10(3).
Lindeberg, T. (2015). Image matching using generalized scale-space interest points. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 52(1), 3-36.
Lindeberg, T. (2013). A computational theory of visual receptive fields. Biological Cybernetics, 107(6), 589-635.
Lindeberg, T. (2013). Invariance of visual operations at the level of receptive fields. PLOS ONE, 8(7), e66990-1-e66990-33.
Lindeberg, T. (2013). Scale Selection Properties of Generalized Scale-Space Interest Point Detectors. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 46(2), 177-210.
Linde, O. & Lindeberg, T. (2012). Composed Complex-Cue Histograms : An Investigation of the Information Content in Receptive Field Based Image Descriptors for Object Recognition. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116(4), 538-560.
Lindeberg, T. (2011). Generalized Gaussian Scale-Space Axiomatics Comprising Linear Scale-Space, Affine Scale-Space and Spatio-Temporal Scale-Space. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 40(1), 36-81.
Laptev, I., Caputo, B., Schüldt, C. & Lindeberg, T. (2007). Local velocity-adapted motion events for spatio-temporal recognition. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 108(3), 207-229.
Laptev, I. & Lindeberg, T. (2004). Velocity adaptation of spatio-temporal receptive fields for direct recognition of activities : an experimental study. Image and Vision Computing, 22(2), 105-116.
Laptev, I. & Lindeberg, T. (2003). A Distance Measure and a Feature Likelihood Map Concept for Scale-Invariant Model Matching. International Journal of Computer Vision, 52(2), 97-120.
Roland, P., Svensson, G., Lindeberg, T., Risch, T., Baumann, P., Dehmel, A. ... Zilles, K. (2001). A database generator for human brain imaging. TINS - Trends in Neurosciences, 24(10), 562-564.
Rosbacke, M., Lindeberg, T., Björkman, E. & Roland, P. E. (2001). Evaluation of using absolute versus relative base level when analyzing brain activation images using the scale-space primal sketch. Medical Image Analysis, 5(2), 89-110.
Wiltschi, K., Pinz, A. & Lindeberg, T. (2000). An automatic assessment scheme for steel quality inspection. Machine Vision and Applications, 12(3), 113-128.
Laptev, I., Mayer, H., Lindeberg, T., Eckstein, W., Steger, C. & Baumgartner, A. (2000). Automatic extraction of roads from aerial images based on scale space and snakes. Machine Vision and Applications, 12(1), 23-31.
Almansa, A. & Lindeberg, T. (2000). Fingerprint enhancement by shape adaptation of scale-space operators with automatic scale selection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 9(12), 2027-2042.
Bretzner, L. & Lindeberg, T. (2000). Qualitative Multi-Scale Feature Hierarchies for Object Tracking. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 11, 115-129.
Lindeberg, T., Lidberg, P. & Roland, P. (1999). Analysis of brain activation patterns using a 3-D scale-space primal sketch. Human Brain Mapping, 7(3), 166-94.
Lindeberg, T. (1998). A scale selection principle for estimating image deformations. Image and Vision Computing, 16, 961-977.
Lindeberg, T. (1998). Edge detection and ridge detection with automatic scale selection. International Journal of Computer Vision, 30(2), 117-154.
Bretzner, L. & Lindeberg, T. (1998). Feature Tracking with Automatic Selection of Spatial Scales. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 71(3), 385-393.
Lindeberg, T. (1998). Feature detection with automatic scale selection. International Journal of Computer Vision, 30(2), 79-116.
Lindeberg, T. & Li, M.-X. (1997). Segmentation and classification of edges using minimum description length approximation and complementary junction cues. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 67(1), 88-98.
Lindeberg, T. & Gårding, J. (1997). Shape-adapted smoothing in estimation of 3-D depth cues from affine distortions of local 2-D brightness structure. Image and Vision Computing, 15(6), 415-434.
Gårding, J. & Lindeberg, T. (1996). Direct computation of shape cues using scale-adapted spatial derivative operators. International Journal of Computer Vision, 17(2), 163-191.
Lindeberg, T. (1994). Scale-Space Theory : A Basic Tool for Analysing Structures at Different Scales. Journal of Applied Statistics, 21, 225-270.
Lindeberg, T. (1993). Detecting salient blob-like image structures and their scales with a scale-space primal sketch: A method for focus-of-attention. International Journal of Computer Vision, 11(3), 283-318.
Lindeberg, T. (1993). Discrete Derivative Approximations with Scale-Space Properties : A Basis for Low-Level Feature Extraction. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 3(4), 349-376.
Lindeberg, T. (1993). Effective Scale : A Natural Unit for Measuring Scale-Space Lifetime. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 15(10), 1068-1074.
Lindeberg, T. (1992). Scale-Space Behaviour of Local Extrema and Blobs. J. of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 1, 65-99.
Lindeberg, T. & Eklundh, J.-O. (1992). The Scale-Space Primal Sketch: Construction and Experiments. Image and Vision Computing, 10(1), 3-18.
Lindeberg, T. & Eklundh, J.-O. (1991). Analysis of aerosol images using the scale-space primal sketch. Machine Vision and Applications, 4(3), 135-144.
Lindeberg, T. & Eklundh, J.-O. (1991). On the Computation of a Scale-Space Primal Sketch. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2(1), 55-78.
Brunnström, K., Eklundh, J.-O. & Lindeberg, T. (1990). Scale and Resolution in Active Analysis of Local Image Structure. Image and Vision Computing, 8, 289-296.
Lindeberg, T. (1990). Scale-space for discrete signals. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12(3), 234-254.
Jansson, Y., Lindeberg, T. (2021). Exploring the ability of CNNs to generalise to previously unseen scales over wide scale ranges. I ICPR 2020: International Conference on Pattern Recognition. (s. 1181-1188). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Lindeberg, T. (2021). Scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks. I Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision. (s. 3-14). Springer Nature.
Finnveden, L., Jansson, Y., Lindeberg, T. (2021). Understanding when spatial transformer networks do not support invariance, and what to do about it. I ICPR 2020: International Conference on Pattern Recognition. (s. 3427-3434). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Jansson, Y., Maydanskiy, M., Finnveden, L., Lindeberg, T. (2020). Spatial transformations in convolutional networks and invariant recognition. Presenterad vid DeepMath2020 Conference on the Mathematical Theory of Deep Neural Networks Nov 5 - Nov 6, 2020.
Lindeberg, T. (2019). Provably scale-covariant networks from oriented quasi quadrature measures in cascade. I Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision. (s. 328-340). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Jansson, Y., Lindeberg, T. (2017). Dynamic texture recognition using time-causal spatio-temporal scale-space filters. I Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision. (s. 16-28). Springer.
Lindeberg, T. (2017). Spatio-temporal scale selection in video data. I Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision. (s. 3-15). Springer-Verlag Tokyo Inc.
Lindeberg, T., Friberg, A. (2015). Scale-space theory for auditory signals. I Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 5th International Conference, SSVM 2015, Lège-Cap Ferret, France, May 31 - June 4, 2015, Proceedings. (s. 3-15). Springer.
Lindeberg, T. (2015). Separable time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields. I Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 5th International Conference, SSVM 2015, Lège-Cap Ferret, France, May 31 - June 4, 2015, Proceedings. (s. 90-102). Springer.
Lindeberg, T. (2013). Image matching using generalized scale-space interest points. I Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 4th International Conference, SSVM 2013, Schloss Seggau, Leibnitz, Austria, , June 2-6, 2013, Proceedings. (s. 355-367). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T. (2013). Invariance of visual operations at the level of receptive fields. Presenterad vid CNS 2013: 22nd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, July 13-18, Paris, France. BMC Neuroscience 14(Suppl 1). (s. P242).
Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T. (2006). Local descriptors for spatio-temporal recognition. I Spatial Coherence For Visual Motion Analysis: First International Workshop, SCVMA 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, May 15, 2004. Revised Papers. (s. 91-103). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T., Akbarzadeh, A., Laptev, I. (2004). Galilean-diagonalized spatio-temporal interest operators. I Proc. 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). (s. 57-62).
Linde, O., Lindeberg, T. (2004). Object recognition using composed receptive field histograms of higher dimensionality. I Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. (s. 1-6). IEEE conference proceedings.
Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T. (2004). Velocity adaptation of space-time interest points. I Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. (s. 52-56). IEEE conference proceedings.
Undeman, C., Lindeberg, T. (2003). Fully Automatic Segmentation of MRI Brain Images using Probabilistic Anisotropic Diffusion and Multi-Scale Watersheds. I Scale Space'03 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Scale space methods in computer vision. (s. 641-656). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T. (2003). Interest point detection and scale selection in space-time. I Scale Space Methods in Computer Vision: 4th International Conference, Scale Space 2003 Isle of Skye, UK, June 10–12, 2003 Proceedings. (s. 372-387). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T., Bretzner, L. (2003). Real-time scale selection in hybrid multi-scale representations. I Proc. Scale-Space’03. (s. 148-163). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T. (2003). Space-time interest points. I Proceedings of Ninth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2003: ICCV'03. (s. 432-439). IEEE conference proceedings.
Bretzner, L., Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T. (2002). Hand-gesture recognition using multi-scale colour features, hierarchical features and particle filtering. I Fifth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2002. Proceedings. (s. 63-74). IEEE conference proceedings.
Shokoufandeh, A., Dickinson, S., Jönsson, C., Bretzner, L., Lindeberg, T. (2002). On the Representation and Matching of Qualitative Shape at Multiple Scales. I Computer Vision — ECCV 2002: 7th European Conference on Computer Vision Copenhagen, Denmark, May 28–31, 2002 Proceedings, Part III. (s. 759-775). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T. (2002). Time-recursive velocity-adapted spatio-temporal scale-space filters. Presenterad vid 7th European Conference on Computer Vision. (s. 52-67).
Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T. (2002). Velocity-adapted spatio-temporal receptive fields for direct recognition of activities. I Proc. ECCV’02 Workshop on Statistical Methods in Video Processing. (s. 61-66).
Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T. (2001). A multi-scale feature likelihood map for direct evaluation of object hypotheses. I Proc Scale-Space and Morphology in Computer Vision. (s. 98-110). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T. (2001). Tracking of multi-state hand models using particle filtering and a hierarchy of multi-scale image features. I Scale-Space and Morphology in Computer Vision: Third International Conference, Scale-Space 2001 Vancouver, Canada, July 7–8, 2001 Proceedings. (s. 63-74). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Björkman, E., Zagal, J. C., Lindeberg, T., Roland, P. E. (2000). Evaluation of design options for the scale-space primal sketch analysis of brain activation images. Presenterad vid Sixth Annual Meeting of the Organization For Human Brain Mapping. (s. 656-656).
Zagal, J. C., Björkman, E., Lindeberg, T., Roland, P. (2000). Signficance determination for the scale-space primal sketch by comparison of statistics of scale-space blob volumes computed from PET signals vs. residual noise. Presenterad vid Sixth Annual Meeting of the Organization For Human Brain Mapping. (s. 493-493).
Lindeberg, T. (1999). Automatic scale selection as a pre-processing stage for interpreting the visual world. I Proc. Fundamental StructuralProperties in Image and Pattern Analysis FSPIPA'99 , (Budapest, Hungary), September 6-7, 1999. (s. 9-23). Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft.
Bretzner, L., Lindeberg, T. (1999). Qualitative multi-scale feature hierarchies for object tracking. I Proc Scale-Space Theories in Computer Vision Med. (s. 117-128). Elsevier.
Bretzner, L., Lindeberg, T. (1998). Use your hand as a 3-D mouse or relative orientation from extended sequences of sparse point and line correspondances using the affine trifocal tensor. I Computer Vision — ECCV'98: 5th European Conference on Computer Vision Freiburg, Germany, June, 2–6, 1998 Proceedings, Volume I. (s. 141-157). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T., Lidberg, P., Roland, P. (1997). Analysis of Brain Activation Patterns Using A 3-D Scale-Space Primal Sketch. Presenterad vid 3rd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain,. (s. 393-393).
Lindeberg, T., Eriksson, B., Johansson, F., Roland, P. (1997). Automatic matching of brain images and brain atlases using multi-scale fusion algorithms. Presenterad vid 3rd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain: HMB'97.
Wiltschi, K., Pinz, A., Lindeberg, T. (1997). Classification of Carbide Distributions using Scale Selection and Directional Distributions. I Proc. 4th International Conference on Image Processing: ICIP'97. (s. 122-125).
Lindeberg, T. (1997). Linear spatio-temporal scale-space. I Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision: Proceedings of First International Conference, Scale-Space'97 Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2–4, 1997. (s. 113-127). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T. (1997). On Automatic Selection of Temporal Scales in Time-Casual Scale-Space. I Proceedings of the Algebraic Frames for the Perception-Action Cycle: AFPAC'97 (Kiel, Germany). (s. 94-113).
Bretzner, L., Lindeberg, T. (1997). On the handling of spatial and temporal scales in feature tracking. I Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision: First International Conference, Scale-Space'97 Utrecht, The Netherlands, July 2–4, 1997 Proceedings. (s. 128-139). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T. (1996). Edge detection and ridge detection with automatic scale selection. I Proc Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CPR’96). (s. 465-470).
Lindeberg, T. (1996). Scale-space theory : A framework for handling image structures at multiple scales. I Proc. CERN School of Computing, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 8–21 September, 1996. (s. 27-38).
Lindeberg, T., Fagerström, D. (1996). Scale-space with causal time direction. Presenterad vid 4th European Conference on Computer Vision, (Cambridge, England), April 14-18, 1996. (s. 229-240). Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer.
Åkerman, S., Lindeberg, T., Roland, P. (1996). Surface Model Generation and Segmentation of the Human Celebral Cortex for the Construction of Unfolded Cortical Maps. I Proc. 2nd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain: HBM'96, published in Neuroimage, volume 3, number 3. (s. S126-S126).
Lindeberg, T., Li, M.-X. (1995). Automatic generation of break points for MDL based curve classification. I Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis: SCIA'95. (s. 767-776).
Lindeberg, T. (1995). Direct estimation of affine image deformations using visual front-end operations with automatic scale selection. I Proc. 5th International Conference on Computer Vision: ICCV'95 (Boston, MA). (s. 134-141). IEEE Computer Society.
Gårding, J., Lindeberg, T. (1994). Direct estimation of local surface shape in a fixating binocular vision system. I Computer Vision — ECCV '94: Third European Conference on Computer Vision Stockholm, Sweden, May 2–6, 1994 Proceedings, Volume I. (s. 365-376). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T. (1994). Junction detection with automatic selection of detection scales and localization scales. I Proc. 1st International Conference on Image Processing: ICIP'94 (Austin, Texas). (s. I:924-928).
Lindeberg, T., Gårding, J. (1994). Shape-Adapted Smoothing in Estimation of 3-D Depth Cues from Affine Distortions of Local 2-D Brightness Structure. I Computer Vision — ECCV '94: Third European Conference on Computer Vision Stockholm, Sweden, May 2–6, 1994 Proceedings, Volume I. (s. 389-400).
Lindeberg, T. (1993). On scale selection for differential operators. I Proc. 8th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, (Troms, Norway), May 1993,: SCIA'93. (s. 857-866).
Lindeberg, T., Gårding, J. (1993). Shape from Texture from a Multi-Scale Perspective. I Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision, 1993. Proceedings: ICCV'93. (s. 683-691). IEEE conference proceedings.
Brunnström, K., Lindeberg, T., Eklundh, J.-O. (1992). Active detection and classification of junctions by foveation with a head-eye system guided by the scale-space primal sketch. I Computer Vision — ECCV'92: Second European Conference on Computer Vision Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, May 19–22, 1992 Proceedings. (s. 701-709). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
Lindeberg, T. (1992). Scale-Space Behaviour and Invariance Properties of Differential Singularities. I Shape inPicture: Mathematical Description of Shape in Grey-Level Images: Proc. of Workshop in Driebergen, Netherlands, Sep. 7--11, 1992. (s. 591-600). Springer.
Lindeberg, T. (1992). Scale-Space for N-dimensional discrete signals. I Shape inPicture: Mathematical Description of Shape in Grey-Level Images: Proc. of Workshop in Driebergen, Netherlands, Sep. 7--11, 1992. (s. 571-590). Springer.
Lindeberg, T. (1991). On the behaviour in scale-space of local extrema and blobs. I Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis: SCIA'91 (Aalborg, Denmark). (s. 8-17).
Lindeberg, T., Eklundh, J.-O. (1990). Construction of a Scale-Space Primal Sketch. I Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 1990: BMVC'90 (Oxford, England). (s. 97-102). The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition.
Brunnström, K., Eklundh, J.-O., Lindeberg, T. (1990). On Scale and Resolution in the Analysis of Local Image Structure. I Proc. 1st European Conf. on Computer Vision. (s. 3-12).
Lindeberg, T., Eklundh, J.-O. (1990). Scale detection and region extraction from a scale-space primal sketch. I Computer Vision, 1990. Proceedings, Third International Conference on. (s. 416-426). IEEE Computer Society.
Lindeberg, T. (1989). Scale-space for discrete images. I Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis: SCIA'89 (Oulo, Finland). (s. 1098-1107).
Kapitel i böcker
Lindeberg, T. (2021). Scale selection. I Katsushi Ikeuchi (Editor-in-Chief) (Red.), Computer Vision ( (2 uppl.) s. 1-14). Springer.
Lindeberg, T. (2014). Scale selection. I Katsushi Ikeuchi (Red.), Computer Vision: A Reference Guide (s. 701-713). Springer US.
Lindeberg, T. (2013). Generalized axiomatic scale-space theory. I P. Hawkes (Red.), Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol 178 (s. 1-96). Elsevier.
Lindeberg, T. (2009). Scale-Space. I Benjamin Wah (Red.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering (s. 2495-2504). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Lindeberg, T. (2001). Corner detection. I Michiel Hazewinkel (Red.), Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Springer.
Lindeberg, T. (2001). Edge detection. I Michiel Hazewinkel (Red.), Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Springer.
Lindeberg, T. (2001). Scale-space theory. I Michiel Hazewinkel (Red.), Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Springer.
Almansa, A. & Lindeberg, T. (1996). Enhancement of Fingerprint Images by Shape-Adapted Scale-Space Operators. I J. Sporring, M. Nielsen, L. Florack, and P. Johansen (Red.), Gaussian Scale-Space Theory. Part I: Proceedings of PhD School on Scale-Space Theory (Copenhagen, Denmark) May 1996 (s. 21-30). Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Lindeberg, T. (1996). On the axiomatic foundations of linear scale-space : Combining semi-group structure with causality vs. scale invariance. I J. Sporring, M. Nielsen, L. Florack and P. Johansen (Red.), Gaussian Scale-Space Theory: Proceedings of PhD School on Scale-Space (Copenhagen, Denmark) May 1996. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Lindeberg, T. & Li, M.-X. (1995). Segmentation and classification of edges using minimum description length approximation and complementary junction cues. I Gunilla Borgefors (Red.), Theory and Applications of Image Analysis II: Selected Papers from the 9th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Uppsala, Sweden, 1995. World Scientific.
Lindeberg, T. (1991). On the behaviour in scale-space of local extrema and blobs. I P. Johansen and S. Olsen (Red.), Theory and Applications of Image Analysis: Selected Papers from the 7th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (Aalborg, Denmark, 1991) (s. 38-47). World Scientific.
Icke refereegranskade
Finnveden, L., Jansson, Y., Lindeberg, T. (2020). The problems with using STNs to align CNN feature maps. Presenterad vid Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop 2020, Tromsø, Norway, 20-21 Jan 2020.
Lindeberg, T. (2016). Time-causal and time-recursive receptive fields for invariance and covariance under natural image transformations. Presenterad vid First European Machine Vision Forum, Heidelberg, Germany, September 8-9, 2016..
Lindeberg, T. (2016). Time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields for computer vision and computational modelling of biological vision. I International Workshop on Geometry, PDE’s and Lie Groups in Image Analysis, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August 24-26, 2016...
Lindeberg, T. (2013). A framework for invariant visual operations based on receptive field responses. I SSVM 2013: Fourth International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, June 2-6, Schloss Seggau, Graz region, Austria: Invited keynote address..
Lindeberg, T. (1996). Automatic Scale Selection as a Pre-Processing Stage to Interpreting Real-World Data. I Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (Toulouse, France): Invited keynote address. (s. 490-490).
Kapitel i böcker
Lindeberg, T. (1999). Principles for Automatic Scale Selection. I Berndt Jähne (Red.), Handbook on Computer Vision and Applications: volume II (s. 239-274). Academic Press.
Lindeberg, T. & ter Haar Romeny, B. (1994). Linear Scale-Space I : Basic Theory. I Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Computer Vision (s. 1-41). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Lindeberg, T. & ter Haar Romeny, B. (1994). Linear Scale-Space II : Early visual operations. I Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Vision (s. 43-77). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Lindeberg, T. (1991). Discrete Scale-Space Theory and the Scale-Space Primal Sketch (Doktorsavhandling , KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, ISRN KTH/NA/P 91/8). Hämtad från
Pedersen, J., Conradt, J. & Lindeberg, T. (2024). Covariant spatio-temporal receptive fields for neuromorphic computing. .
Perzanowski, A. & Lindeberg, T. (2024). Scale generalisation properties of extended scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks on image datasets with spatial scaling variations. .
Lindeberg, T. (2023). Orientation selectivity of affine Gaussian derivative based receptive fields. .
Jansson, Y. & Lindeberg, T. (2021). Scale-invariant scale-channel networks: Deep networks that generalise to previously unseen scales. .
Jansson, Y. & Lindeberg, T. (2020). Exploring the ability of CNNs to generalise to previously unseen scales over wide scale ranges. .
Jansson, Y., Maydanskiy, M., Finnveden, L. & Lindeberg, T. (2020). Inability of spatial transformations of CNN feature maps to support invariant recognition. .
Finnveden, L., Jansson, Y. & Lindeberg, T. (2020). Understanding when spatial transformer networks do not support invariance, and what to do about it. .
Lindeberg, T. (2017). Discrete approximations of the affine Gaussian derivative model for visual receptive fields. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Jansson, Y. & Lindeberg, T. (2017). Dynamic texture recognition using time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields. .
Lindeberg, T., Akbarzadeh, A. & Laptev, I. (2004). Galilean-corrected spatio-temporal interest operators. Dept. of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science.
Laptev, I. & Lindeberg, T. (2003). A distance measure and a feature likelihood map concept for scale-invariant model matching. .
Undeman, C. & Lindeberg, T. (2003). Fully Automatic Segmentation of MRI Brain Images using Probabilistic Anisotropic Diffusion and Multi-Scale Watersheds (Trita-NA-P 03:13). Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Laptev, I. & Lindeberg, T. (2003). On Space-Time Interest Points. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Bretzner, L., Laptev, I., Lindeberg, T., Lenman, S. & Sundblad, Y. (2001). A Prototype System for Computer Vision Based Human Computer Interaction. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Lindeberg, T. (2001). Linear spatio-temporal scale-space (Trita-NA-P 01:22). Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Lindeberg, T. (2001). Time-recursive velocity-adapted spatio-temporal scale-space filters (Trita-NA-P 01:23). KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Laptev, I. & Lindeberg, T. (2001). Tracking of multi-state hand models using particle filtering and a hierarchy of multi-scale image features. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Bretzner, L. & Lindeberg, T. (2000). Qualitative multiscale feature hierarchies for object tracking. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Bretzner, L. & Lindeberg, T. (1999). Structure and Motion Estimation using Sparse Point and Line Correspondences in Multiple Affine Views (Trita-NA-P 99:13). Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Bretzner, L. & Lindeberg, T. (1998). Feature tracking with automatic selection of spatial scales (Trita-NA. P 96:21). Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Lindeberg, T. & Florack, L. (1994). Foveal scale-space and the linear increase of receptive field size as a function of eccentricity. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Lindeberg, T. & Florack, L. (1992). On the decrease of resolution as a function of eccentricity for a foveal vision system (TRITA ISRN KTH NA/P-92/29-SE). KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Gårding, J. & Lindeberg, T. (1989). CanApp : The Candela Application Library. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Lindeberg, T. (1988). On the Construction of a Scale-Space for Discrete Images (ISRN KTH NA P ISRN KTH NA/P-88/09-SE). KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
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