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Tianxiang Wang

Profile picture of Tianxiang Wang




About me

I defended my PhD thesis in April 2024, at the Division of Building Materials, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, with the thesis title of ''In-plane mechanical properties of birch plywood and its performance in adhesively bonded connections''. See my doctoral thesis (without the appended papers) in the link below:

Starting from July 2024, I continue working at KTH as a postdoctoral fellow, with an emphasis on the development of timber connection technologies as well as hybrid timber structures.

My previous and current research themes are:

-Timber-steel hybrid structures

-Mechancial properties of birch plywood

-Timber connections employing birch plywood as connection plate as a substitution to the steel plate

-Adhesive bonding performance between hybrid (softwood-hardwood) timber products

-Rope effect in mechanical connection

-Ductility-related issues in timber connections

-Reinforcing timber in compression perpendicular to the grain by using glued-in wooden rods

See my Google Scholar profile in the link below:

Moreover, I am keen to establish or be involved in national or international cooperation with both research institutes and industries. Please feel free to contact me should you have common interests.


Building Materials, Advanced Course (AF2301), assistant | Course web

Profile picture of Tianxiang Wang