Publications by Tao Zhou
Peer reviewed
X. Zhang et al., "Impact toughness and fracture propagation mechanism of NiAl precipitation-strengthened HSLA steels," Materials & design, vol. 241, 2024.
T. Fischer et al., "Relating stress/strain heterogeneity to lath martensite strength by experiments and dislocation density-based crystal plasticity," International journal of plasticity, vol. 174, 2024.
T. Zhou et al., "Computational thermodynamics and kinetics-guided re-engineering of a high-performance tool steel," Scripta Materialia, vol. 232, 2023.
P. Croné et al., "Continuum plasticity modelling of work hardening for precipitation-hardened martensitic steel guided by atom probe tomography," Materials & design, vol. 215, 2022.
T. Zhou et al., "Microstructure control during deposition and post-treatment to optimize mechanical properties of wire-arc additively manufactured 17-4 PH stainless steel," Additive Manufacturing, vol. 58, 2022.
Y. Tian et al., "Revealing morphology rules of MX precipitates in Ti-V-Nb multi-microalloyed steels," Materials Characterization, vol. 188, 2022.
T. Zhou et al., "Cu precipitation-me diate d formation of reverted austenite during ageing of a 15-5 PH stainless steel," Scripta Materialia, vol. 202, 2021.
T. Zhou et al., "On the role of transmission electron microscopy for precipitation analysis in metallic materials," Critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences, pp. 1-27, 2021.
T. Zhou, J. Lu and P. Hedström, "Mechanical Behavior of Fresh and Tempered Martensite in a CrMoV-Alloyed Steel Explained by Microstructural Evolution and Strength Modeling," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 5077-5087, 2020.
T. Zhou et al., "Precipitation of multiple carbides in martensitic CrMoV steels - experimental analysis and exploration of alloying strategy through thermodynamic calculations," Materialia, vol. 9, 2020.
T. Zhou et al., "Exploring the relationship between the microstructure and strength of fresh and tempered martensite in a maraging stainless steel Fe-15Cr-5Ni," Materials Science & Engineering : A, vol. 745, pp. 420-428, 2019.
T. Zhou et al., "Quantitative electron microscopy and physically based modelling of Cu precipitation in precipitation-hardening martensitic stainless steel 15-5 PH," Materials & design, vol. 143, pp. 141-149, 2018.
T. Zhou, H. Yu and S. Wang, "Effect of microstructural types on toughness and microstructural optimization of ultra-heavy steel plate : EBSD analysis and microscopic fracture mechanism," Materials Science & Engineering : A, vol. 658, pp. 150-158, 2016.
Non-peer reviewed
T. Zhou, "Integrated Experimental and Computational Study of Precipitation in Martensitic Steels," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2019:41, 2019.
T. Zhou et al., "Streamliningin-situ SAXS/WAXS heat treatment experimentsat the PETRA III Swedish Materials Science beamline," Stockholm : Center for X-Rays in Swedish Materials Science, TRITA-ITM-RP, 2024:2, 2024.
G. Spartacus et al., "Overview of sample enironments for research use at the PETRA III Swedish Materials Science beamline," Stockholm, TRITA-ITM-RP, 2022:3, 2023.
T. Zhou et al., "Inventory of data reduction and analysis software used in high-energy X-ray research at PETRA III : WAXS, SAXS, GIWAXS, GISAXS, PDF," , TRITA-ITM-RP, 2020:2, 2022.
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