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Publikationer av Ivan Stenius



S. Bhat et al., "Nonlinear model predictive control for hydrobatics : Experiments with an underactuated AUV," Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 40, no. 7, s. 1840-1859, 2023.
A. Chiche et al., "A Strategy for Sizing and Optimizing the Energy System on Long-Range AUVs," IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 46, no. 4, s. 1132-1143, 2021.
A. Chiche et al., "Design of experiment to predict the time between hydrogen purges for an air-breathing PEM fuel cell in dead-end mode in a closed environment," International journal of hydrogen energy, vol. 46, no. 26, s. 13806-13817, 2021.
A. Chiche et al., "Feasibility and impact of a Swedish fuel cell-powered rescue boat," Ocean Engineering, vol. 234, s. 109259-109259, 2021.
A. Chiche et al., "Including Heat Balance When Designing the Energy System of Fuel Cell-Powered AUVs," Energies, vol. 14, no. 16, s. 4920-4920, 2021.
S. Bhat, I. Stenius och T. Miao, "Real-Time Flight Simulation of Hydrobatic AUVs Over the Full 0 degrees-360 degrees Envelope," IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 46, no. 4, s. 1114-1131, 2021.
T. Huldt och I. Stenius, "State-of-practice survey of model-based systems engineering," Systems Engineering, vol. 22, no. 2, s. 134-145, 2019.
I. Stenius, L. Fagerberg och A. Säther, "Predicting the natural frequency of submerged structures using coupled solid-acoustic finite element simulations," Ocean Engineering, vol. 159, s. 37-46, 2018.
M. Burman et al., "Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of the hull of a high-speed craft," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 230, no. 2, s. 378-387, 2016.
I. Stenius, L. Fagerberg och J. Kuttenkeuler, "Experimental eigenfrequency study of dry and fully wetted rectangular composite and metallic plates by forced vibrations," Ocean Engineering, vol. 111, s. 95-103, 2016.
K. Garme et al., "Rough water performance of lightweight high-speed craft," Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M), vol. 228, no. 3, s. 293-301, 2014.
I. Stenius et al., "Experimental hydroelastic characterization of slamming loaded marine panels," Ocean Engineering, vol. 74, s. 1-15, 2013.
I. Stenius, A. Rosén och J. Kuttenkeuler, "Hydroelastic interaction in panel-water impacts of high-speed craft," Ocean Engineering, vol. 38, no. 2-3, s. 371-381, 2011.
I. Stenius, A. Rosén och J. Kuttenkeuler, "On Structural Design of Energy Efficient Small High-Speed Craft," Marine Structures, vol. 24, no. 1, s. 43-59, 2011.
I. Stenius, A. Rosén och J. Kuttenkeuler, "Explicit FE-modelling of hydroelasticity in panel-water impacts," International Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 54, no. 2-3, s. 111-127, 2007.
I. Stenius, A. Rosén och J. Kuttenkeuler, "Explicit FE-modelling of fluid-structure interaction in hull-water impacts," International Shipbuilding Progress, vol. 53, no. 2, s. 103-121, 2006.


S. Bhat och I. Stenius, "Controlling an Underactuated AUV as an Inverted Pendulum using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Behavior Trees," i Proceedings : IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2023.
L. M. Giovannetti och I. Stenius, "Review of undewater fluid-structure interaction measuring techniques," i 7th High Performance Yacht Design Conference, HPYD 2021, 2021.
S. Bhat et al., "A Cyber-Physical System for Hydrobatic AUVs : System Integration and Field Demonstration," i 2020 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium, AUV 2020, 2020.
S. Bhat et al., "A Cyber-Physical System for Hydrobatic AUVs: System Integration and Field Demonstration," i IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, 2020, 2020.
S. Bhat et al., "Towards a Cyber-Physical System for  Hydrobatic AUVs," i OCEANS 2019 - Marseille, 2019.
S. Bhat och I. Stenius, "Hydrobatics : A Review of Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Efficient and Agile Underactuated AUVs," i AUV 2018 - 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop, Proceedings, 2018.
A. Chiche et al., "Sizing the energy system on long-range AUV," i AUV 2018 - 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop, Proceedings, 2018.
I. Stenius et al., "Hydroelastic Effects in Slamming Loaded Panels," i 11th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 2011 - Proceedings, 2011, s. 644-652.
T. Allen et al., "Structural responses of high performance sailing yachts to slamming loads," i 11th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 2011 - Proceedings, 2011, s. 585-592.
M. A. Battley et al., "Effects of Panel Stiffness on Slamming Responses of Composite Hull Panels," i 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM17, 2009, s. 1-11.

Icke refereegranskade


M. Razola et al., "On Structural Design of High-Speed Planing Craft with Respect to Slamming," i 8th International Conference on High-Speed Marine Vehicles, 2012.
T. Allen, M. Battley och I. Stenius, "Experimental Methods For Determining Shear Loads In Sandwich Structures Subjected To Slam Loading," i 9th International Conference on Sandwich Structures, 2010.
I. Stenius och A. Rosén, "FE-Modelling of Hydrodynamic Hull-Water Impact Loads," i Proceedings of The 6th European LS-DYNA Users' Conference, 2007.
M. Battley et al., "Dynamic Characterization of Marine Sandwich Structures," i 7th International Conference on Sandwich Structures : Advancing with Sandwich Structures and Material, 2005, s. 537-546.
I. Stenius och A. Rosén, "Explicit FE Analysis of Hull-Water Impacts," i 8th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation. St.Petersburg, Russia, 2005.
M. Battley och I. Stenius, "Dynamically Loaded Marine Composite Structures," i 14th International Conference on Composite Materials, 2003.


I. Stenius, "Hydroelasticity in Marine Hull Bottom Panels - Modeling and Characterization," Doktorsavhandling Stockholm : KTH, Trita-AVE, 2009:42, 2009.
I. Stenius, "Finite element modelling of hydroelasticity in hull-water impacts," Licentiatavhandling Stockholm : KTH, Trita-AVE, 2006:93, 2006.


"SMaRC Swedish Maritime Robotics Centre : Mid-Term Evaluation Report 2020," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-SCI-RAP, 2020:006, 2020.
I. Stenius et al., "Waterway 365 : System Analysis of Challenges in Increased Urban Mobility by Utilization of the Water Ways," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-AVE, 2014-13, 2014.
K. Garme et al., "In Detail Investigation of Planing Pressure," , NTNU/Marintek Ocean Basin, NTNU_Marintek_530512, EC contract no. 022441, Report NyIII-NTNU-11, 2011.
I. Stenius et al., "Kompositfartyg - en kort introduktion," , Trita-AVE, 2011:21, 2011.
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