Div. Soil and Rock Mechanics - Publications 2017
Journal paper
Mohammad, M., Mohammad Farouq Hossaini2 • Heydar Bagloo (2017) Rock bolt supporting factor: rock bolting capability of rock mass. Bulletin of the Engineering Geology and the Environment 76:231-239.
Bjureland, W., Spross, J., Johansson, F., Prästings, A. and Larsson, S. (2017) Reliability aspects of rock tunnel design with the observational method. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 98: 102-110.
Prästings, A., Müller, R., Larsson, S., Spross, J., Bjureland, W and Johansson, F. (2017)Implementing the extended multivariate approach in design with partial factors for a retaining wall in clay. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 3(4): 04017015.
Deckner, F., Viking, K. and Hintze, S. (2017) Wave Patterns in the Ground: Case Studies Related to Vibratory Sheet Pile Driving. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 35(6): 2863-2878.
Ghafar, A.N., Sadrizadeh, S., Magakis, K., Draganovic, A. and Larsson, S. (2017) Varying Aperture Long Slot (VALS), a method for studying grout penetrability into fractured hard rock. Geotechnical Testing Journal 40(5): 871-882.
El Tani, M. and Stille, H. (2017) Grout Spread and Injection Period of Silica Solution and Cement Mix in Rock Fractures. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 50(9): 2365–2380
Spross, J. and Johansson, F. (2017) When is the observational method in geotechnical engineering favourable? Structural Safety 66: 17–26.
Rahman, M., Håkansson, U., Kotze, R. and Wiklund, J. (2017) Yield stress of cement grouts. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology 61: 50-60.
Wersäll, C., Nordfelt, I. and Larsson, S. (2017) Soil compaction by vibratory roller with variable frequency. Géotechnique 67(3): 272-278.
Krounis, A., Johansson, F., Spross, J. and Larsson, S. (2017) Influence of cohesive strength in probabilistic sliding stability reassessment of concrete dams. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2017, 143(2)
Lingwanda, M., Prästings, A., Nyaoro, D. and Larsson, S. (2017) Comparison of geotechnical uncertainties linked to different soil characterization methods. Geomechanics and Geoengineering 12(2): 137-151.
Popular Scientific Articles
Larsson, S., Spross, J., Bjureland, W. och Ignat. R. (2017) Obefintlig tillsyn utarmar geoteknisk kompetens hos husbyggare. Bygg & teknik 1/17: 61-63.
Massarsch, R. och Wersäll, C. (2017) Vibrationspåverkan från tågtrafik på pålgrundlagd byggnad. Bygg & teknik 1/17: 15-20.
Conference papers
Prästings, A., Larsson, S. and Müller, R. (2017) Optimizing geotechnical site-investigations. The 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul: 639-642.
Stille, H. (2017) Muir Wood Lecture 2017: Geological Uncertainties in Tunneling – Risk Assessment and Quality Assurance, Lausanne: International Tunneling and Underground Space Association.
Ghafar, A. N. Sadrizadehb, S. Draganovic, A. Johansson, F. Håkansson, U. and Larsson, S. (2017) Application of Low-Frequency Rectangular Pressure Impulse in Rock Grouting. Grouting 2017, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 288: 104-113.
Draganovic, A. and Ghafar A N. (2017) Issues in measurements and evaluation of penetrability of cement-based grout measured with filter pump and penetrability meter in the field. Grouting 2017, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 288: 404-414.
Håkansson, U., Wiklund, J. and Kotzé, M. (2017) In-Line Determination of Cement-Based Grout Properties Using a Pulsed Ultrasound Based Method and System. Grouting 2017, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 288: 356-367.
Rahman, M. and Håkansson, U. (2017) Real Time Measurement of Flow Properties and the Design of Cement Grouting. Grouting 2017, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 288: 379-388.
Stille, H. (2017) Muir Wood Lecture 2017: Geological Uncertainties in Tunneling – Risk Assessment and Quality Assurance, Lausanne: International Tunneling and Underground Space Association; 2017.
Bjureland, W., Spross, J., Johansson, F., Prästings, A. and Larsson, S. (2017) Challenges in Applying Fixed Partial Factors to Rock Engineering Design. Geo-Risk 2017, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 283: 384-393.
Larsson, S., Spross, J., Bjureland, W. och Ignat, R. (2017) Tar byggherrar geotekniska risker på allvar? Grundläggningsdagen 2017, SGF - Svenska Geotekniska Föreningen, s. 31-42.
Ignat, R., Baker, S., Liedberg, S. och Larsson, S. (2017) Djupstabilisering med kalk-cementpelarskivor för förstärkning av djupa schakter. Grundläggningsdagen 2017, SGF - Svenska Geotekniska Föreningen, s. 101-116.
Spross, J. (2017) Vilken roll har observationsmetoden i framtidens bergbyggande? Bergmekanikdagen 2017, BeFo Stiftelsen för Bergteknisk forskning. s. 71-80,
Lindfors U, Lope Alvarez D, Johansson F, Stille B. Spänningsmodellering av storskaliga strukturer i Stockholmområdet. Bergmekanikdagen 2017, BeFo Stiftelsen för Bergteknisk forskning.
Swindell, R., Johansson, F., Kjellström, I. och Benhalima, M. (2017) Karaktärisering av bergmassor – systematiska fel och möjliga åtgärder, ergmekanikdagen 2017, BeFo Stiftelsen för Bergteknisk forskning. s. 19-35.
Books, theses and reports
Johansson F., Krounis A, Westberg Wilde M. (2017) Igensättning av dränage under betongdammar – Orsaker, övervakning och åtgärder. Energiforsk rapport 2017:369
Nejad Ghafar, Ali. (2017) An Experimental Study to Measure Grout Penetrability, Improve the Grout Spread, and Evaluate the Real Time Grouting Control Theory. TRITA-JOB PHD, ISSN 1650-9501 ; 1027
Rafi, J., Stille, H. and Johansson, F. (2017) Jacking of rock fractures during pre-grouting in Scandinavian tunnelling projects - a study of the effects from chosen grouting pressure. BeFo report 156, Rock Engineering Research Foundation, Stockholm.
Bjurström, H. (2017) Non-contact surface wave measurements on pavements. PhD thesis, TRITA-JOB PHD, ISSN 1650-9501 ; 1025
Bjureland., W. (2017) On reliability-based design of rock tunnel support. Licentiate thesis, TRITA-JOB. LIC, ISSN 1650-951X ; 2033.
Deckner, F. (2017) Vibration transfer process during vibratory sheet pile driving: from source to soil. PhD thesis, TRITA-JOB PHD, ISSN 1650-9501 ; 1026
Mas Ivars, D., Johansson, F., Ghazal, R., Sánchez Juncal, A. and Batres Estrada, R. (2017) A case study of the Odenplan station in the Stockholm City Link project - Analysis of in situ stresses and observed ground behaviour. BeFo Report 139, Stockholm.
MSc theses
Alexander Vranckx. (2017) Effect of heterogeneous densification due to vibroflotation on liquefaction resistance. MSc thesis. Soil and Rock Mechanics, ISSN 1652-599X ; 17:01
Mikaela Zervens. Samverkansgrundläggning - en sättningsuppföljning av två objekt i Uppsala. (2017) Examensarbete Jord- och bergmekanik, ISSN 1652-599X
Bieke Peeters. (2017) Two-dimensional analysis of the failure mechanisms of an embankment supported by rows of dry deep mixing columns. MSc thesis. Soil and Rock Mechanics, ISSN 1652-599X
Erik Persson. (2017) Empirical correlation between undrained shear strength and preconsolidation pressure in Swedish soft clays. MSc thesis. Soil and Rock Mechanics, ISSN 1652-599X
Sunesson Philip (2017) Sannolikhetsbaserad dimensionering av sprutbetong – Fördelningar för tjocklek och böjdraghållfasthet. ISSN 1652-599X, 17:03.
Chiara Cannizzaro (2017) Sensitivity study of buckling instability for pile in soft soil. MSc thesis. Soil and Rock Mechanics, ISSN 1652-599X
Moa Asplind (2017) Pore water pressure and settlements generated from water driven DTH-drilling - A field study. ISSN 1652-599X