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Publikationer av Nutapong Somjit



S. J. Bleiker et al., "High-Aspect-Ratio Through Silicon Vias for High-Frequency Application Fabricated by Magnetic Assembly of Gold-Coated Nickel Wires," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, s. 21-27, 2015.
N. Somjit och J. Oberhammer, "Three-dimensional micromachined silicon-substrate integrated millimetre-wave helical antennas," IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 7, no. 4, s. 291-298, 2013.
N. Somjit och J. Oberhammer, "Design Approach for Return-Loss Optimisation of Multi-Stage Millimetre-Wave MEMS Dielectric-Block Phase Shifters," IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 6, s. 1429-1436, 2012.
M. Sterner et al., "Microwave MEMS Devices Designed for Process Robustness and Operational Reliability," International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technology, vol. 3, no. 5, s. 547-563, 2011.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Power Handling Analysis of High-Power W-Band All-Silicon MEMS Phase Shifters," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 58, no. 5, s. 1548-1555, 2011.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Deep-Reactive-Ion-Etched Wafer-Scale-Transferred All-Silicon Dielectric-Block Millimeter-Wave MEMS Phase Shifters," Journal of microelectromechanical systems, vol. 19, no. 1, s. 120-128, 2010.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Binary-Coded 4.25-bit W-Band Monocrystalline-Silicon MEMS Multistage Dielectric-Block Phase Shifters," IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol. 57, no. 11, s. 2834-2840, 2009.


R. Viratikul et al., "Electromagnetic Property Characterization and Sensing of Endothelial Cells Growth Medium and Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline Solution for in vitro Cell Culture," i 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology, ECTI-CON 2022, 2022.
J. Oberhammer et al., "Monocrystalline‐Silicon Microwave MEMS," i Proceedings of PIERS 2013 in Stockholm, August 12-15, 2013, 2013, s. 1933-1941.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Performance optimization of multi-stage MEMS W-band dielectric-block phase-shifters," i European Microwave Week 2012: "Space for Microwaves", EuMW 2012, Conference Proceedings - 7th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2012, 2012, s. 433-436.
N. Somjit och J. Oberhammer, "Semiconductor-Substrate Integrated 3D-Micromachined W-Band Helical Antennas," i Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2012 IEEE, 2012, s. 6349415.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Thermal Characteristics and Power-Handling Capability of High-Power Millimeter-Wave MEMS Dielectric-Block Phase Shifters," i Gigahertz Symposium 2012. Stockholm, Sweden. March 6-7 2012, 2012.
A. C. Fischer et al., "high aspect ratio tsvs fabricated by magnetic self-assembly of gold-coated nickel wires," i Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2012 IEEE 62nd, 2012, s. 541-547.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Comparison of Thermal Characteristics of Novel RF MEMS Dielectric-Block Phase Shifter to Conventional MEMS Phase-Shifter Concepts," i European Microwave Week 2010, EuMW2010 : Connecting the World, Conference Proceedings, 2010, s. 509-512.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Investigation of Power Handling Capability of Conventional and Novel All-Silicon RF MEMS Phase Shifters," i 11th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems (MEMSWAVE 2010). Otranto, Italy. June 28-30 2010, 2010.
J. Oberhammer, M. Sterner och N. Somjit, "Monocrystalline-Silicon Microwave MEMS Devices," i Advanced Materials And Technologies For Micro/Nano-Devices, Sensors And Actuators, 2010, s. 89-100.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Novel Low-loss 4.25-Bit All-Silicon Millimeter-Wave MEMS Phase Shifters for High-Performance W-Band Applications," i The 8th Micronano System Workshop. Stockholm, SWE. 04 May 2010 - 05 May 2010, 2010.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Ultra-Wideband Low-loss All-Silicon MEMS Phase Shifters for High-Performance Electronic Beam-Steering Applications," i GigaHertz Symposium 2010. Lund, SWE. March 9-10 2010, 2010.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Novel concept of microwave mems reconfigurable 7X45o multi-stage dielectric-block phase shifter," i Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, 2009, s. 15-18.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Phase Error and Nonlinearity Investigation of Millimeter-Wave MEMS 7-Stage Dielectric-Block Phase Shifters," i 2009 European microwave conference : Vols 1-3, 2009, s. 1872-1875.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Phase Error and Nonlinearity Investigation of Millimeter-Wave MEMS 7-Stage Dielectric-Block Phase Shifters," i 2009 EUROPEAN MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CONFERENCE (EUMIC 2009), 2009, s. 519-522.
J. Oberhammer et al., "Microwave MEMS activities at the Royal Institute of Technology," i GigaHertz Symposium 2008. Göteborg, SWE. 5-6 March 2008, 2008.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberbammer, "Novel RF MEMS Mechanically Tunable Dielectric Phase Shifter," i 33RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED, MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES : VOLS 1 AND 2, 2008, s. 643-644.
N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Reconfigurable Three-Dimensional Micromachined Dielectric-Loaded CPW Phase-Shifter," i 9th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems. Heraklion, Greece. 1-3 July 2008, 2008.
N. Somjit et al., "Numerical Optimization and Design of a 3-GHz Chopper/Prebuncher System for the S-DALINAC," i European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2006). Edinburgh, UK. June 2006, 2006.
G. Iancu et al., "Status of Polarized Electron Gun at the S-DALINAC," i European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2006). Edinburgh, UK. June 2006, 2006.

Kapitel i böcker

N. Somjit, G. Stemme och J. Oberhammer, "Reconfigurable Three-Dimensional Micromachined Dielectric-Loaded CPW Phase Shifter," i Series in Micro and Nanoengineering : New developments in micro electro mechanical systems for radio frequency and millimeter wave applications, George Konstantinidis, Alexandru Müller, Dan Dascălu, Robert Plana red., 15. uppl. : Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2009, s. 163-167.

Icke refereegranskade


J. Oberhammer et al., "Microwave MEMS Activities at KTH- Royal Institute of Technology," i 8th Micronano System Workshop 2010 (MSW 2010). Stockholm, Sweden. May 4-5, 2010, 2010.

Kapitel i böcker

J. Oberhammer et al., "RF MEMS for automotive radar," i Handbook of Mems for Wireless and Mobile Applications, : Elsevier, 2013, s. 518-549.
J. Oberhammer et al., "RF MEMS for automotive radar sensors," i Mems for Automotive and Aerospace Applications, : Elsevier, 2013, s. 106-136.
J. Oberhammer et al., "RF MEMS for Automotive and Radar Applications : MEMS for Automotive and Radar Applications," i MEMS for Automotive and Radar Applications : RF MEMS for Automotive and Radar Applications, : Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2012.


N. Somjit, "Novel RF MEMS Devices for W-Band Beam-Steering Front-Ends," Doktorsavhandling Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Trita-EE, 2012:011, 2012.
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