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Received funding

·      2021 - 2027 - "Men in focus - exploring homosocial cultures in organizations and developing methods to prevent sexual harassment". The project was funded by 17 000 000 SEK by the Swedish Research Council for health, working life and welfare (FORTE).  Charlotte Holgersson, Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Economics and Management, KTH, is the main applicant and project leader. I participated in the group writing the application


·      2019-2022 – “FRONT2 - Future Research- and Organizationaldevelopment in Natural sciences, Technology and Theology 2019-2022”. The project was funded with 6 000 000 NOK by the Norwegian Research Council. Professor Solveig Kristenssen, dean at the faculty of Mathematic and Natural sciences, Oslo University, is the main applicant and project leader. I participated in the group writing the application.


·       2017-2020 - ”Marin bioekonomi för cirkulära flöden av kväve och fosfor i Sverige: Alternativa hinder och policyverktyg”. The project was funded with 5 992 109 SEK by Formas. Linus Hasselström is the main applicant and project leader, I participated in the group writing the application.  


·       2015-2018 – “Female researchers on track”. The project was funded with 5 500 000 NOK by the Norwegian Research Council. Professor Solveig Kristenssen, dean at the faculty of Mathematic and Natural sciences, Oslo University, is the main applicant and project leader. I was hired as the project coordinator when the project was funded and in that position I was in charge of developing and leading all project activities. 


·       2015-2018 – “Women in boards – decision making and practice? Experiences from Norway and Sweden” – funded by Swedish Energy Agency with 4 408 669 SEK. Professor Annika Carlsson Kanyama, KTH,  is the main applicant and projectleader, I participated in the group writing the application. 


·       2015-2018  - “Break even – promoting gender equality in business.” The project was funded with 203.957,65€ by EEA Grants (European Economic Area Financial Mechanism), sub-programme PT07: Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting a Work-Life Balance. The project promoter was Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG) University of Lisbon. Project partners was Centre for Studies for Social Intervention (CESIS); Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies of the Lisbon School of Social and Political Sciences (CIEG-ISCSP, University of Lisbon) and the Centre for Gender Research of the University of Oslo. I participated in the project representing the Centre for Gender Research of the University of Oslo, Norway. 


·       2014-2015 – “Personal grant”. I was funded with 30 000 SEK by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare (FORTE). The aim of the funding was a guest research stay at the Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo, Norway. I wrote the application. 


·       2013-2016 – “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most powerful of them all? Gender as a Symbolic and Social Structure in Organizations.” The project was funded with 12 396 000 NOK by the Norwegian Research Council. I was part of the project team.  


·       2012-2016 – “The organization of credit decision making in times of crises.” The project was funded with 3 300 000 by Vinnova. I wrote the application and was the project leader.


·       2012 – “Men's perceptions of women in the academia.” The project was funded with 120 000 SEK by the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. I wrote the application and was the project leader. 


·       2009 – “Doing gender in teaching and learning.” The project was funded with 250 000 SEK by the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. I wrote the application and was the project leader.  

Profilbild av Lotta Snickare
