Shravan Kumar Pinayur Kannan
Om mig
Shravan works as a PhD student at the division of energy systems. His research is focused on the decarbonization of industries through recovery, recycling and re-use of energy within industries. The research encompasses the development of a tool for long term energy investment planning in industries.
He joined the division as a PhD student in 2020 and has since been involved in the H2020 EU project EMB3RS where OSeMOSYS is used to optimize recovery and re-use of excess heat from industries and other sources. More information on the EMB3RS project can be found at ''.
He holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in Sustainable energy systems.
Energisystem för hållbar utveckling (MJ2508), lärare | Kurswebb
Introduktion till Energisystemanalys och tillämpning - mindre kurs (MJ2381), lärare | Kurswebb