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Anastasios Skoufas

Profile picture of Anastasios Skoufas

Doctoral student



About me


I am a PhD student in the Division of Transport Planning, ABE. My research focuses on crowding in public transportation systems. Specifically, I am investigating on-board crowding contributions from passenger groups using automated data sources in the public transportation field (smart card data). My work also focuses on developing guidelines and planning recommendations for capacity needs towards more efficient and sustainable public transport networks.

I see evidence-based policy initiatives as the added value of my work toward more efficient and sustainable transportation systems.

Pedagogical activities

I am a teaching assistant in the master's level course AH2173 Public Transport. Specifically, I am co-responsible for the group project with Wilco Burghout. In this project, students need to perform a quantitative or qualitative analysis in the field of public transport using automated data sources (e.g., accessibility, reliability, safety).

MSc thesis supervision

Sittirash, Nutta (2024). During and Post Disruption Impacts of Planned Disruptions to Public Transport System and Passengers: Data-Driven Analysis of Commuter Train Drivers’ Strike Using Smart Card Data in Stockholm, Sweden (co-supervisor)

Scientific background

I earned an MEng in Rural and Surveying Engineering at AUTh, Greece, (2019) and my MSc in Transport and Geoinformation Technology at KTH (2022). My master’s thesis at KTH was focused on the design of public transportation networks in collaboration with Trafikförvaltingen, Region Stockholm. After my graduation, I worked as a research engineer in public transport data analytics at KTH.


Public Transport (AH2173), assistant | Course web