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Group member: Dr. Silvio Osella (2016)

Silvio Osella received the PhD in Science at the university of Mons (Belgium) in 2014, under the supervision of Dr. David Beljonne and Dr. Jerome Cornil, with a thesis entitled: "Modeling Optical and Transport Properties of Nanographenes and Molecular Assemblies on Graphene and Gold Surfaces: From Structure to Function". In this framework, Silvio has focused his research on the computational study of opto-electronic and transport properties of graphene and its derivatives (nanoribbons, nanographene) for a possible use in OPV and molecular junction, as well as on the study of self-assembly molecules (e.g. azobenzene derivatives) on a gold surface for application as OFET and molecular junctions. Through profound simulations, he has also been investigating hybrid graphene-organic molecule systems in order to enhance the electronic properties of graphene while changing the optical properties of the organic species.​