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Shuangshuang Chen

Profile picture of Shuangshuang Chen

Industry doctoral student




Researcher ID

About me

I am currently a doctoral student in Machine Learning and Autonomous Driving, under the supervison of Prof. Mårten Björkman and Dr. Yiannis Karayiannidis at the division of Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL). My research focus is probabilistic models and representation learning for time series - mainly on deep generative model, inference algorithms and sequential decision making. 

My work is concerned with inferring low dimensional meaningful representations of high dimensional time series data i.e. visual perceptions, learning corresponding generative models and utilizing uncertainty of inference for sequential decision making.

As partnered with Volvo Cars Corporate, my research works applies on various use cases in autonomous driving i.e. object tracking, path planning. In cooperation with Dr. Sihao Ding and Dr. L. Srikar Muppirisetty,  we proceed inference algorithms for estimating road friction coefficient using tire sensory data.

I am funded by Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) and currently serve in Phd council to assist program organizer to improve WASP graduate school. 

Profile picture of Shuangshuang Chen