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Takeshi Shirabe

Profilbild av Takeshi Shirabe



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Om mig

Ph.D, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Master of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania
Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan

Prior to joining KTH’s Department of Urban Planning and Environment in 2010, Takeshi was Assistant Professor in the Department of Geoinformation and Cartography at the Vienna University of Technology, Austria (2003-2010) where he received his Habilitation in Geoinformation.

Takeshi has served as a committee member for a number of conferences on Geographic Information Science including the International Conferences on Geographic Information Science (since 2006) and the AGILE International Conferences on Geographic Information Science (since 2007).

Research Interests

Selected Publications

  • Seegmiller, L. and Shirabe, T., 2024. A method for finding a maximum value region with a minimum width in raster space,International Journal of Geographical Information Science 38(4), pp. 675-698
  • Seegmiller, L. and Shirabe, T., 2023. A method for finding a least-cost corridor on an ordinal-scaled raster cost surface, Annals of GIS 29 (2), pp. 205-225.
  • Seegmiller, L. and Shirabe, T., 2022. A method for finding least‐cost corridors in three‐dimensional raster space, Transactions in GIS 26(2), pp. 1098-1115.
  • Murekatete, R. M. and Shirabe, T., 2021. On the effects of spatial resolution on effective distance measurement in digital landscapes, Ecological Processes 10(1), pp. 1-19.
  • Seegmiller, L., Shirabe, T., Tomlin, C. D., 2021. A method for finding least-cost corridors with reduced distortion in raster space, International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35 (8), pp. 1570-1591.
  • Murekatete, R. M. and Shirabe, T., 2020. An experimental analysis of least-cost path models on ordinal-scaled raster surfaces,International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35(8), pp. 1545-1569.
  • Murekatete, R. M. and Shirabe, T., 2018, A Spatial and Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Transformation of Raster Cost Surfaces on the Variation of Least-Cost Paths, International Journal of Geographic Information Science 32(11), pp. 2169-2188.
  • Shirabe, T., 2018, Buffered or bundled, least-cost paths are not least-cost corridors: Computational experiments on path-based and wide-path-based models for conservation corridor design and effective distance estimation,Ecological Informatics 44, pp. 109-116.
  • Murekatete, R. M. and Shirabe, T., 2018, A Spatial and Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Transformation of Raster Cost Surfaces on the Variation of Least-Cost Paths,International Journal of Geographic Information Science32(11), pp. 2169-2188.
  • Shirabe, T., 2016, A Method for Finding a Least-cost Wide Path in Raster Space,International Journal of Geographic Information Science30(8), pp. 1469-1485.
  • Shirabe, T., 2014, A Path that Buys Time to Decide Where to Go,International Journal of Geographic Information Science 28(2) pp.314-325.
  • Shirabe, T., 2012, Prescriptive Modeling with Map Algebra for Multi-Zone Allocation with Size Constraints,Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 36(5), pp. 456-469.
  • Shirabe, T., 2011, A Heuristic for the Maximum Value Region Problem in Raster Space,International Journal of Geographic Information Science 25(7), pp. 1097-1116.
  • Shirabe, T., 2009, Districting Modeling with Exact Contiguity Constraints,Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 36(6), pp. 1053-1066.
  • Shirabe, T., 2008, Minimum Work Paths in Elevated Networks,Networks 52(2), pp. 88-97.
  • Benkert, M., Wolff, A., Widmann, F., andShirabe, T., 2006, The Minimum Manhattan Network Problem: Approximations and Exact Solution,Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 35(3), pp. 188-208.
  • Shirabe, T., 2005, A Model of Contiguity for Spatial Unit Allocation,Geographical Analysis 37(1), pp. 2-16.
  • Shirabe, T., 2005, Classification of Spatial Properties for Spatial Allocation Modeling,GeoInformatica 9(3), pp. 269-287.
  • Caro, F.,Shirabe, T., Guignard, M., and Weintraub, A., 2004, School Redistricting: Embedding GIS Tools with Integer Programming.Journal of the Operational Research Society 55(8), pp. 836-849.


Algoritmer och beräkningsmetoder inom GIS (FAG3102), examinator, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom geoinformatik, avancerad nivå (AG243X), lärare | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom samhällsbyggnad, grundnivå (AG111X), lärare | Kurswebb

Examensarbete inom samhällsbyggnad, grundnivå (AG134X), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

Forskningsmetodik och kommunikation (AH2178), lärare | Kurswebb

GIS Architecture and Algorithms (AG2411), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

GIS för samhällsbyggnad (AG1323), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

GIS och mätningsteknik (AG1314), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

Geovisualisation (AG2412), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb

Seminariedeltagande i avancerad GIScience (FAG3101), examinator | Kurswebb

Spatial Planning with GIS (AG2422), examinator | Kurswebb

Visualisering av geoinformation (FAG3109), examinator, kursansvarig | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Takeshi Shirabe