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Publikationer av Susanne Engström



Engström, S. & Lennholm, H. (2024). You just have to take a big leap! Authentic teaching and learning in the technology program at an upper secondary school. International journal of technology and design education.
Engström, S. & Blom, J. (2023). Technical science capital in relation to how students manage within higher technical education. International journal of technology and design education.
Hurdelbrink, C., Engström, S. & Fahrman, B. (2022). Change of course : contribution to support students’ language development. Högre Utbildning, 12(2), 45-52.
Engström, S. (2022). From a teacher student’s view – how STEM-actors have impact on teacher education and teaching in STEM. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 27(2), 38-52.
Engström, S. & Norström, P. (2022). How Physics Courses Can Make Highly Valued Strategies and Dispositions Visible to Physics Teacher Students. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(4), 396-411.
Engström, S., Norström, P. & Söderberg, H. (2021). A Model for Teaching Systems Thinking : A Tool for Analysing Technology Teachers’ Conceptualising of Systems Thinking, and How it is Described in Technology Textbooks for Compulsory School. Techneserien : forskning i slöjdpedagik och slöjdvetenskap. B, 28(2), 241-251.
Forsell, C., Engström, S. & Norström, P. (2021). Teachers’ Attitudes to Teaching Introductory Solid Mechanics in Upper Secondary School. Techneserien : forskning i slöjdpedagik och slöjdvetenskap. B, 28(2), 448-454.
Danielsson, A., Engström, S., Norström, P. & Andersson, K. (2020). The Making of Contemporary Physicists : Figured Worlds in the University Quantum Mechanics Classroom. Research in science education.
Lidar, M., Engström, S., Lundqvist, E. & Almqvist, J. (2019). Undervisningstraditioner i naturvetenskaplig undervisning i relation till svenska utbildningsreformer i skolår 6. NorDiNa : Nordic Studies in Science Education, 15(2), 174-192.
Engström, S., Björkholm, E. & Norström, P. (2017). A project about materials as subject content within technology education. The proceedings of the XVII IOSTE Symposium released in journal ‘Conexão Ciência’. Conexão Ci. | Formiga/MG, 12(2), 8-14.
Engström, S. (2015). Female Students Who Succeed within Higher Technical Education – When and Why They Choose and Who They Are. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 167, 161-169.
Gustafsson, P., Engström, S. & Svensson, A. (2015). Teachers’ View of Sustainable Development in Swedish Upper Secondary School. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 167, 7-14.


Engström, S., Sundqvist, P., Nordlöf, C., Klasander, C. (2023). Approaches to industrial processes in technology textbooks. Presenterad vid In PATT40 Liverpool 2023 (Vol. 1)..
Engström, S., Lennholm, H. (2023). Authentic Teaching in STEM Education – factors for success. Presenterad vid PATT40: The 40th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Research Conference Hosted by Liverpool John Moores University, 31st October to 3 rd November 2023.
Engström, S., Hurdelbrink, C. (2023). Different textbooks in technology education – different opportunities for developing disciplinary literacy. Presenterad vid PATT40: The 40th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Research Conference Hosted by Liverpool John Moores University, 31st October to 3 rd November 2023.
Norström, P., Engström, S., Fahrman, B. (2023). Timeless, Socially Relevant Engineering Knowledge and Skills for Future Technology Education. I Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology (PATT) 40: Diverse Experiences of Design and Technology Educa-tion for a Contemporary and Pluralist Society. (s. 665-672).
Engström, S., Norström, P., Fahrman, B. (2023). Timeless, socially relevant engineering knowledge and skills for future technology education. Presenterad vid PATT40: The 40th International Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology Research Conference Hosted by Liverpool John Moores University, 31st October to 3 rd November 2023.
Engström, S., Fahrman, B., Hurdelbrink, C. (2020). Kursändring – svenska som andraspråk inte längre ett hinder inom KPU:n. Presenterad vid NU2020 Hållbart lärande. 7 – 9 oktober 2020..
Nordlöf, C., Engström, S. (2019). How teachers value skills and content in Technology teaching in Swedishcompulsory school – a “climate” change. I PATT 37 Developing a knowledge economythroughtechnology and engineering education..
Björkholm, E., Engström, S. (2018). DISCOURSES OF PROGRAMMING TEACHING WITHIN COMPULSORY EDUCATION–FIXED OR CHANGEABLE?. I Research, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education (Proceedings of ESERA 2017). (s. 1953-1960). Ireland.
Engström, S. (2018). What technology content and values emerge in the teaching of climate change?. I 2018 PATT36 International Conference Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives om Human Capacity and Developmnet. (s. 40-46). Ireland.
Engström, S., Björkholm, E., Norström, P. (2016). A project about materials as subject content within technology education. Presenterad vid XVII IOSTE SYMPOSIUM, Braga, Portugal, from 11th to 16th July 2016, organized by CIEC-UMINHO (Research Centre for Child Studies of Minho University).
Engström, S., Björkholm, E. (2016). En diskursanalytisk studie av programmering som innehåll i grundskolans teknikämne. Presenterad vid FND 9-10 november 2016 Högskolan i Dalarna.
Björkholm, E., Engström, S., Norström, P. (2016). Exploring Materials as Subject Content within Technology Education. I PATT2016: Technology Education for 21st Century..
Engström, S., Andersson, K., Danielsson, A., Norström, P., Gullberg, A., Husseinus, A., Elmgren, M. (2016). Lärarutbildares naturvetenskap under lupp – en studie av gränslandet mellan ämnesdiscipliner och skolämnen. Presenterad vid FND 9-10 november 2016 Högskolan i Dalarna. Website: www.du.se/FND2016. Stockholm.
Engström, S., Lidar, M. (2016). The influence on teaching and assessment practices from national tests and grading in Science in Y6. Presenterad vid ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers.
Engström, S., Svensson, A. (2015). How sustainable development is constructed in the Technology Programme in discussions between upper secondary school teachers. Presenterad vid ESERA 2015, 31.8 – 4.9 2015 Helsinki..
Engström, S., Lidar, M. (2015). Teaching traditions in Science Education and the impact of educational reform. Presenterad vid ESERA 2015, 31.8 – 4.9 2015 Helsinki..

Kapitel i böcker

Engström, S. & Björkholm, E. (2023). Discourses of Programming Teaching within Compulsory Education. I Jonas Hallström and Marc J. de Vries (Red.), Programming and Computational Thinking in Technology Education. Swedish and International Perspectives (s. 196-212). Brill Academic Publishers.
Engström, S. & Svensson, M. (2022). An Educational Model for Teaching About Technological Systems. I Jonas Hallström P. John Williams (Red.), Teaching and Learning about Technological Systems: Philosophical, Curriculum and Classroom Perspectives ( (1 uppl.) s. 249). Springer Nature.
Engström, S., Christiansen, I., de Ron, A., Ebbelind, A., Engström, S., Frisk, S. ... et al., (2021). The Crosscurrents of Swedish Mathematics Teacher Education. I Denisse R Thompson, University of South Florida. Mary Ann Huntley, Cornell University. Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa. (Red.), International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education. Information Age Publishing.
Enghag, M., Engström, S. & Brorson, B. (2018). A Teacher Professional Development Programme on Dialogic Inquiry. I Tsivitanidou, O.E., Gray, P., Rybska, E., Louca, L., Constantinou, C.P. (Eds.) (Red.), Professional Development for Inquiry-Based Science Teaching and Learning. (s. 223-243). Heidelberg Germany: Springer.

Icke refereegranskade


Norström, P., Fahrman, B., Engström, S., Tibbelin, S., Björkholm, E., Isaksson Persson, H., Lennholm, H. (2018). Disciplinering inom högstadiets teknikämne. Presenterad vid FobasNT18.

Kapitel i böcker

Andersson, K., Hussénius, A., Gullberg, A., Danielsson, A. T., Elmgren, M., Engström, S. & Norström, P. (2019). Lärarutbildares naturvetenskap under lupp – en studie i gränslandet mellan ämnesdiscipliner och skolämnen. I Vetenskapsrådet (Red.), Resultatdialog 2019, Vetenskapsrådet. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.
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