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Project Grants


“The Mediated Planet: Claiming Data for Environmental SDGs”. Funded by Formas – Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (SEK 20.000.000). Hosted KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm. Main applicant and PI. 2020–2024.

SPHERE “Study of the Planetary Human-Earth Relationship: The Rise of Global Environmental Governance”. ERC Advanced Grant (SEK 25.000.000). Project member. Own share ca. 3 MSEK salary, plus travel and equipment. 2018–2023.

Life on Mars: The Science and Fiction of Terraforming and the Future of Planet Earth”. Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond RJ (SEK 1.360.000). Hosted KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm. Main applicant and PI. 2018–2020.

ENHANCE – Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe. Marie Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN). Led by the University of Leeds, with partnering institutions Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Deutsches Museum Munich, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm (KTH’s share ca. 10 MSEK plus KTH co-funding). Project member. Own share ca. SEK 60.000 for travel and equipment. 2015–2019.

“Saving Nature: Conservation Technologies from the Biblical Ark to the Digital Archive”. Funded by the Swedish Research Council VR (SEK 3.240.000). Hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm. Main applicant and PI. Main supervisor of 1 PhD student (defended 2017). 2015–2017.

“Mistra Arctic Sustainable Development. New governance for sustainable development in the European Arctic”. Funded by Mistra, the Swedish Agency for Strategic Environmental Research (40 MSEK). Hosted by Umeå University with KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm as one of the partnering institutions. Project member. Own share ca. SEK 320.000 salary plus travel budget. 2014–2018.

“Views from a Distance: Remote Sensing Technologies and the Perception of the Earth”. Funded by the Swedish Research Council VR (SEK 3.648.000). Hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm. Co-applicant and project member. Own share ca. SEK 900.000 salary plus travel and equipment. Co-supervisor of 1 PhD student (defended 2019). 2013–2016.

“Assessing Arctic Futures: Voices, Resources, Governance”. Funded by Mistra, the Swedish Agency for Strategic Environmental Research (8 MSEK). Hosted by KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm. Project member. 2011–2013.