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Ruth Brännvall

Profile picture of Ruth Brännvall

About me

I have done my PhD studies at INDEK, department of Organisation and Management, since 2013 and my thesis was published in 2018. 

My area of research is innovation for under served markets (i.e. poor, marginalised consumer groups in emerging markets as well as in Europe), often referred to as 'social innovation'. I take a critical look at the innovation processes and practices, and the relationship between the entrepreneur/s and their end-users.

I am currently teaching Corporate Finance  at KTH (responsible for course ME 2064) and Sustainability and impact investing at other insitutes.
Previously, I taught the master course 'Leadership in cross-cultural contexts' (ME2089).

Besides my research studies, I support the growth of social businesses as a founder of the investor network and advisory firm Impact Invest Scandinavia.

Other Publications:
'Kapitalförsörjning som fungerar för fler.' En studie av svensk kapitalförsörjning för företag i tillväxt. 2023. Entreprenörskapsforum

'Capital for Purpose. The second wave of impact investing.' 2021. SIIN AB.

'Enabling user-inclusive innovation in African agriculture', 2016, ICT Update.

'Toolbox for the social business', 2015, Swedish Institute. A handbook about business modelling and commercialization of mission driven organisations.

' (2012), Spotlight on inclusive-business paper series, Sida/DFID.