Romain Rumpler
Associate professor
About me
My research interests revolve around numerical methods for, and modelling of coupled acoustics and vibration applications, including efficient Finite Element modelling of large scale problems, design optimization and acoustic materials or metamaterials. Additionally, as part of the Centre for Eco2 Vehicle Design, I have recently conducted a range of initiatives connected to transportation noise, including the development of a mixed experimental-numerical approach, noise impact assessment, feeding into dynamically-controlled traffic strategies.
My research has been funded by several regional, national and international grants, including from the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS), the Swedish Innovation Agency (VINNOVA), the European Commission (Shift2Rail rail initiative, flagship programme CIVITAS), the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), the City of Stockholm or Region Stockholm.
Building Acoustics and Community Noise (SD2166), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Technical Acoustics, Second Cycle (SD211X), examiner | Course web
Design of Silent and Vibration-free Products (SD1116), teacher | Course web
Engineering Acoustics (SD2111), teacher | Course web
Noise and Vibration Control (SD1120), teacher | Course web
Numerical Methods for Acoustics and Vibration (SD2175), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Structure Borne Sound (FSD3110), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Sustainable development and research methodology in engineering mechanics (SA2002), teacher, assistant | Course web
Vehicle Acoustic and Vibrations (SD2191), examiner | Course web
Vehicle Acoustics and Vibration (SD2190), examiner | Course web
Vibro Acoustics (SD2140), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web