Federico Ribet
Om mig
- Minimally invasive integrated biosensors
for painless intradermal continuous glucose
monitoring based on microneedles.
Microsampling using a Microneedle Patch for Painless Point-of-Care Collection of Interstitial Fluid Enabling Multianalyte Measurement
Short biography
Federico Ribet received his M.Sc. engineering degree in Nanotechnologies for ICTs, jointly from EPFL (Switzerland), INPG (France) and Politecnico di Torino (Italy), in 2014.
In November 2014, he joined the Micro and Nanosystems department (MST) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, as Ph.D. candidate in the group of biomedical MEMS under the supervision of Prof. N. Roxhed and Prof. G. Stemme.
He is currently a post-doctoral researcher in the field of Biomedical Microsystems.
Federico is also an inventor in several patent applications and co-founder of two medtech startups: Samplimy Medical AB and Sensible Healthcare Systems BV.
His previous research activities involved:
- Development of new 3D printing tools and bio-compatible materials for applications in medicine (IBM Almaden Research, CA, USA)
- Development of a multi-well microfluidic chip for chemotaxis analysis on embryonic stem cells (ChiLab, Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
- Development of a laser scattering-based Micro and Nanoparticulate Photodetector (INRiM, Torino, Italy).
Keywords: Biomedical Engineering, Microneedles, Bio-sensors, Bio-MEMS, Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), Diabetes, Dermal interstitial fluid analysis, Minimally invasive devices, Microfluidics, Electrochemical sensing, Life science, EWOD, Electrowetting-on-dielectric, DMF digital microfluidics, Actuators, uTAS micro-total analysis systems, Medical MEMS